Cndl's board of directors meets with President of the parliamentary front in defense of trade, services and entrepreneurship

The National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) gathered, on the night of yesterday (13), in Brasilia, the members of its board for a dinner with the president and the consultant of the joint Parliamentary Front in defense of trade, Services and entrepreneurship (CSE), Ephraim Son and John Henry Hummel. The president of Cndl, José César da Costa, reinforced the need for the leaders of the system to approach the public power so that the agendas of retail are increasingly disclosed. "We need to take our priority agendas to parliamentarians and society. We have to defend and disseminate the relevant topics for the retail sector, because we are the sector that moves Brazil. " Efraim Filho made an assessment of the current political and economic scenario in Brazil and the expectation of work in this beginning of government. "We started 2019 with great expectation for Brazil to resume its growth and recover jobs and income. I imagine the economic and public security agendas will be priorities at the beginning of the government. In the economic agenda, the agenda is the pension reform. Not just her, but this is what I consider macro, "he says. "My reading is that we have a much more positive scenario to vote for reform. The debate is more mature in society and in Parliament. This is a breach of privilege. The current system is uneven, it is the smallest who pays the privilege of the great ". On the prospects for the work of the CSE in the new parliamentary term, the deputy ensured that there is much work to be done. "Micro initiatives also need to move forward. We need to complete the vote on the Positivo register, which is a fight we're going to capitanear. The banks have had the biggest profits in history and the profit of the productive sector is going to the financial market. Those who want to invest and expand their business, for example, find difficulties in accessing credit, in addition to high interest rates, "he said. In the evaluation of João Henrique Hummel, advisor to the CSE, the arrival of new names to Congress is positive for the parliamentary front. "Renewal in Parliament is an opportunity for our sector. There are many new people coming and it is time to approach, subsidize them with content, reverberate and multiply the information that these parliamentarians generate in their networks, show the benefits that society receives when developing retail: employment, income, better Quality of life ". Efraim Filho concluded his participation with the commitment to continue defending the agendas of the trade and services sectors in Parliament. "The entrepreneur is seen as the villain of the story. We can't do this. To undertake in this country is a thing for heroes. Let's help turn this page. " First meeting of the Year – on the morning of today (14), the directors of Cndl held the first meeting of 2019. Among the themes, the leaders discussed the calendar of events of the year, the evaluation of the NRF and the results of the communication initiatives in 2018.

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