Four out of ten Brazilians selling food stamps use value to pay bills, appoint Cndl/SPC Brazil

Practice is adopted by 39% of workers, although commercialization is inappropriate. More than half extrapolates monthly value of the benefit and 33% admit to use frequently for other purposes although the commercialization of ' meal vouchers ' or ' food stamps ' is an inappropriate practice, it has been fairly common among workers Brazilian. According to a survey conducted by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil), 39% of the consumers receiving the benefit have the habit of selling their tickets, of which four out of ten ( 44%) Use the value to pay the bills. On the other hand, 61% guarantee never resorting to this practice — a percentage that is higher in classes A and B (75%). Other reasons are linked to this behavior of transforming the benefit in cash, which not only the need to complement the budget, according to the research. Shopping was the main purpose pointed out by 36% of respondents, while 21% said they save the amount they receive and 17% reserve for leisure activities. Because it is a benefit that the employer offers to the workers, the meal voucher has as its exclusive use the food and cannot be diverted from its purpose, according to the "Worker Feeding Program (PAT)". "In addition to the practice being inappropriate, exchanging the ticket meal for money can be a bad business from a financial standpoint. Those who buy, usually charge a percentage, leading the worker to lose part of the value of the benefit ", explains SPC Brazil's chief economist, Marcela Kawauti. More than half extrapolates monthly value of the ticket and one third admits to use it frequently for purposes beyond lunch on weekdays o The study also shows that more than half (52%) Of consumers extrapolates the monthly value they receive from the benefit, with 20% usually exceeding or often and 31% sometimes. Already 48% claim to use only the limit established and never spend more. Among those who extrapolate the value of the meal voucher, 35% attribute to the fact that the value received is very low and therefore works only as cost help. Already 31% justify that the amount is insufficient if compared to the average price of restaurants in the region where they work and 29% recognize that spending on bars and bakeries, for example, end up consuming much of the ticket. Another finding of the survey is that one third (33%) Of the interviewees always or often spends the meal voucher with other purposes besides lunch on business days and market purchases, such as breakfast and snacks in bakeries, departures on weekends, among other expenses related to leisure. There are also those who do not make any control over the expenses with the use of food stamps or vouchers, which corresponds to 12% of the interviewees. However, most (65%) Usually keep up with the expenses they make with this benefit. The financial educator of SPC Brazil and the portal ' My Pocket happy ', José Vignoli, points out that the ticket can help in restaurant expenses and purchases in supermarkets or bakeries, provided that its use is well managed. "By setting a daily limit, the benefit ends up being a great ally of the budget. But if the expense is excessive, maybe it's time to review the choices. A good way out is to opt for cheaper restaurants or bring home food to work, "observes José Vignoli. Methodology 804 consumers, over 18 years of age, of both genders and of all social classes in the 27 capitals were interviewed. The margin of error is a maximum of 3.5 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%. Download the full search at Https://

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