Payment of the 13th salary injects more than R $210 billion in the Brazilian economy


The payment of the 13th salary will inject R $211.2 billion in the Brazilian economy until December. The value represents about 3% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), benefiting about 84.5 million of formal market workers, including retiados, pensioners and domestic employees.

The estimates of the Interunion Department of Statistics and Socio-economic Studies (Dieese) indicate an additional income of R $2,320.00, with source in the annual relationship of Social Information (Rais) and the general register of employees and Unemployed (caged), of Ministry of Labor.

Workers in the formal market represent 48.7 million, or 57.6% of the total benefited by the payment of the 13th salary. Domestic employees are 1.8 million, or 2.2% of the total. Retiados and pensioners represent 34.8 million, or 41.2% of the total.

Of the R $211.2 billion paid, the employees of the formal market will stay with 66%, or r $139.4 billion. Retiados and pensioners will receive R $71.8 billion, or 34%.

The states of the Southeast region will have 49.1% of the payment of the 13th salary, followed by the southern states with 16.6%, northeast with 16%, Midwest with 8.9% and North with 4.7%.

The beneficiary with the highest average value (R $4,278.00) will be paid in the Federal district and the lowest in Maranhão (R $1,560.00) and Piauí (R $1,585.00).

The largest parcel that will be paid to the employees of the service sector (including public administration), who receive R $137.1 billion, or 64.1% of the total destined for the formal market.

Industry employees will receive 17.4%, 13.3% traders, while civil construction will be 3.1% and agriculture with 2.1%. The average value of the 13th salary of the formal sector will be in R $2,927.21, and the highest average will be paid to workers in the service sector with a value of R $3,338.81 and the lowest for workers in the primary sector of the economy, with R $1,794.86.

The São Paulo economy will receive about R $60.7 billion, or 28.8% of Brazil's total. The beneficiaries are estimated at 21.6 million, equivalent to 25.6% of the total.

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