CDL Lectures on strategic legal management

The Chamber of shopkeepers – CDL Campina Grande promotes on the 18th of September (Tuesday) Another lecture of the I cycle of business update focused on shopkeepers.

The proposed theme will be "Strategic legal management: Learn how to reduce the demands of your company", and will be ministered by Expert lawyer in corporate labor law and employers ' union, Allan Queiroz and lawyer Jessica Leal.

The meeting takes place on the night of September 18, from 19 hours, in the auditorium of CDL, located Rua Barão do Abiaí, no. 24, center. The adhesion value is R $15.00 for associated CDL and R $30.00 for non-associated.

The I cycle of Enterprise Update is a realization of CDL Campina Grande, through the program "CDL Qualify", in partnership with Queiroz Leal Advocacia corporate.

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