For entrepreneurs, tax reduction and interest should be the priority of the next government, appoint Cndl/SPC Brazil

Entrepreneurs in the retail and services sectors are optimistic about the economy for 2019, when the country will have a new president. A survey conducted by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) reveals that 54% of respondents expect a better economic scenario for the next year and 71% want the new management to promote Changes in relation to current guidelines. Among the priorities mentioned for the President who will take on January 1, 52% highlight the reduction of taxes and 34% the decline of interest. Thirdly, the fight against corruption appears (28%), followed by a decrease in bureaucracy (16%).

For the next five years, 37% of entrepreneurs aim for changes in the tax system, making it simpler, more transparent and more efficient. 36% want a less bureaucratic country, contributing to entrepreneurial activity, while 31% want public policies that boost business growth.

"The Brazilian tax system is one of the most complex in the world, which ends up causing some distortions and inequalities. For this reason, entrepreneurs emphasize the importance of the reform being on the agenda of the new President, mainly by providing the growth of the productive sector in the generation of jobs and income ", analyzes the president of Cndl, José César da Costa.

Corruption, precarious public health and lack of basic education are pointed out as the main problems to be solved

Questioned about the main problems of Brazil that need to be solved by the next president, 52% of entrepreneurs cited corruption in the first place. The precariousness of public health is mentioned in the second place, by 36% of respondents and the lack of basic education appears next, with 33% of the answers.

As for the expected measures for the business environment, 87% stated that they will analyze proposals that foresee stimulus to the development of retail and services. In this line, 93% agree that the new President should strengthen the national production, 79% believe that the next management needs to prioritize the distribution of income, to increase the purchasing power of the consumer and 78% highlight policies aimed at trade International. On the other hand, only 39% think the new president should intervene less in the economy.

"Entrepreneurs are attentive to the proposals, especially candidates who have plans that contemplate essential and beneficial changes to the economy and the business environment. The expectation is a more effective economic recovery, with the resumption of investments, "says Roque Pellizzaro Junior, president of SPC Brazil.

For 57% of entrepreneurs, the next president needs to be honest; 31% claim to value those who fulfill what promises

On the electoral dispute, 41% responded not to be neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Another 31% are considered pessimistic or even very pessimistic, especially in capitals (36%). Already 25% are optimistic or very optimistic, especially in the interior (27%). Among those who are pessimistic with the elections, 64% indicate a lack of options of good candidates as the main problem.

The perception of entrepreneurs about the frequent cases of corruption by the political class also reflects the indignation of society. Most claimed to reject candidates involved in corruption scandals (55%), while 46% did not want a dishonest or liar candidate. Another 20% disapprove of a candidate who does not fulfill what he promises.

The research also showed that for 57% it is essential that the president be an honest person – especially businessmen from the interior (61%). For another 31% is essential someone who fulfills what promises, while 30% seek someone of "firm Pulse" and determined in their convictions.

Almost one third of respondents intend to use social networks to report on proposals; 50% Czech if news of candidates on the Internet are false

A strategic tool in many electoral campaigns, social networks are increasingly increasingly used among entrepreneurs as a source of information on the proposals of candidates for the presidency (28%). On the other hand, almost half (47%) says they still prefer the debates on TV. For 38%, the Internet is among the main means of communication (blogs, websites and news portals). Only 7% of respondents answered that they did not seek ways to know the proposals of their candidates. The survey also shows that 24% have the habit of sharing news of politicians on social networks and 27% are involved in some way in the campaigns of candidates who believe.

The fake news calls also concern entrepreneurs about the truthfulness of the information. Half usually check frequently if the news they receive from candidates on social networks or by WHATSAPP are really true (50%), while 19% said to check only a few times and 31% never or rarely do. When questioned are afraid that the fake news influence their opinions and voting decision, most (56%) say yes.

Another curious finding shows that seven out of ten entrepreneurs (72%) believe that candidates are already worth the information of voters in social networks, Internet and databases in general to elaborate their campaigns. These entrepreneurs, 78% are afraid that this is detrimental to the final result of the electoral dispute, and 58% fear a lot and 20% a little.


The research was conducted with 822 entrepreneurs from the trade and services segments, from all regions of the country, between July 27th and August 10th. The margin of error is 3.4 percentage points to a confidence margin of 95%. Download the full search at Https://

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