Change of labor relations in retail is a lecture theme at CDL




In view of the changes in the relations between employees and employers due to the modernization of labor laws, CDL Campina Grande performs next Tuesday (21) Another edition of the Enterprise update cycle. The event takes place in partnership with Leal Queiroz Advocacia Corporate, a group specializing in providing legal advice to companies.

The meeting will address the theme "Labor reform in practice: changes in the working relationship in retail", pertinent for entrepreneurs, legal advisors, HR professionals and other interested audiences. The Ministante will be the lawyer Alan Queiroz, Expert in corporate labor law.

The lecture will begin at 19 hours in the auditorium of the CDL, located Rua Barão do Abiaí, no. 24, center. The membership fee is R $15.00 for CDL and R $30.00 Associates for other interested audiences. For more information: (83) 3182.5000 or 3077-2107.



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