45% of PIS/PASEP beneficiaries will use extra money to pay overdue debts, shows a survey of CNDL/SPC Brazil

The resources of the PIS/Pasep fund, whose new withdrawals will be released to workers of all ages from this Tuesday (14/8), should help many Brazilians to emerge from the financial suffoction. A survey conducted by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the credit protection service points out that 45% of the shareholders should use the resources to pay overdue debts – the percentage rises to 57% considering only the of classes C, D and E.

The second main purpose of the extra money will be the investments, with 30% citations. There are still 30% of respondents who should pay daily expenses with the available balance and 15% who will anticipate the payment of non-delayed accounts, such as home, car or credit benefits, for example. Another 9% of respondents will use the money to acquire clothes and footwear.

You have the right to withdraw resources, the employees of public and private companies who contributed to PIS or pasep between the years 1971 and 1988 and who have not redeemed the balance. Altogether, approximately 28,750,000 of Brazilian citizens are entitled to the balance of the accounts, which should total an injection of R $39.52 billion in the economy, according to official government data.

For the president of SPC Brazil, Roque Pellizzaro Junior, access to the funds from the PIS/PASEP fund quotas is an important measure that should inject a significant amount of money into the country's economy. "This can help the citizen affected by the crisis and unemployment to remedy their debts, clear the name and regain their credit in the square. By reducing delinquency the impact on the economy is positive, "he explains. The president of Cndl, José Cesar da Costa, also points out that resources can also impact consumption. "It is positive to see that a relevant amount of beneficiaries will use resources to anticipate debts that were not delayed. This shows a preventive and prudent attitude of the consumer, "he analyzes.

According to the survey, 14% of Brazilians still do not know whether they have the right or not to receive the benefit and 10% were unaware of the information that the Government had released the withdrawals.


The research was carried out in 12 capitals of the five Brazilian regions: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Recife, Salvador, Fortaleza, Brasília, Goiânia, Manaus and Belém. Together, these cities add up to approximately 80% of the population residing in the capitals. The sample of 800 cases consisted of persons aged 18 years or older, of both sexes and of all social classes. The margin of error is at most 3.5 percentage points to a confidence margin of 95%.

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