Banco Central, Cndl and SPC Brazil sign cooperation agreement to promote actions of financial citizenship

Improving the relationship of consumers with their personal finances is the object of the Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) that the Central Bank has signed today with the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil). Focused on financial citizenship, the agreement lasts two years, period in which the institutions will produce researches and disseminate content on financial education, credit and consumption.

The monthly indicator use of credit in Brazil, which Cndl/SPC Brazil announces tomorrow, shows that in January, 22% of Brazilians had credit denied when attempting to parcelate a purchase in commercial establishments or hire services on time. For 36% of them, they lacked proof or sufficiency of income, while one in three had restrictions on the CPF due to delinquency.

"This agreement can improve people's lives and increase the population's capacity for consumption," said CNDL President José César Costa, noting that shopkeepers ' chambers are present in more than 1,500 municipalities in 26 states and in the District Federal.

The idea of the ACT is to unite efforts in favor of the financial inclusion of the population and will be structured in the pillars of financial education and research. ISAAC Sidney Ferreira, director of institutional relations and citizenship of the Central Bank, reported that Bancarization grew 3.3% in the last ten years, while the Brazilian adult population follows heterogeneous and often uses bad credit.

"We all have to promote financial citizenship, hence the importance of the Central bank to establish partnerships. We will combine efforts, exchange aggregated data, marrying demands and access to financial services. This behavioral diagnosis of those who use retail and credit can help us evaluate the impact of important public policies, "explains the director, citing as a possible consequence the reduction of the bank spread.

In addition to the surveys, the financial education content produced by the Central Bank will be shared in the channels that SPC Brazil offers to consumers, such as the My Pocket Happy website and the SPC consumer application. In contrast, SPC Brazil's research will be shared with the BC. "The development of Brazil will only occur when every citizen has his/her budget organized, and this includes small businesses, who often die because entrepreneurs have no notion of the proper use of resources. This agreement has a great deal to contribute to financial citizenship, which is fundamental for the long-term sustainable development of our currency, "said SPC Brazil president Roque Pellizzaro, who took the reporters ' questions to reinforce the Importance of the approval by the Congress of the positive register, improving access to credit in the country.


Institutions involved:

National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) – The main representative of the national retail sector, has 95% of its associates framed as micro and small companies. Retail employs 20 million people and impacts 47% of national GDP, according to IBGE.

Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) – Cndl Bridge with consumers, acts as a system of information and services. It has a rich database for the creation of products and the production of indicators and research.

Central Bank – In addition to attributions such as inflation control and monetary policy, the BC has a work agenda, called BC +, structured on four pillars: more financial citizenship; cheaper credit; More modern legislation and more efficient financial system.

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