Brazilian unemployed are divided into benefits or losses with new labor legislation. Still, 50% would accept to be contracted intermittently, new modality in which journey and remuneration are flexible
There are so many novelties and changes with the new labor legislation, such as flexible journey and remuneration, the possibility of dividing the holidays into three periods and allowing shorter time for lunch, which many Brazilians have not yet had time to reflect On the impact of ' labour reform ' on their lives. A study conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) with Brazilians who are currently unemployed reveals that 83% of respondents admit not to be well informed about the recent Change in labor legislation. Only 16% acknowledge having enough information on the subject. The lack of knowledge is high in all social strata, but higher among those with lower schooling.
Sanctioned by the Presidency of the Republic in July of last year, and put into effect from November onwards, the new laws remain surrounded by consumers ' uncertainties. According to the survey, the unemployed Brazilians are divided as to the possibility of the labour reform promoting an increase in the supply of jobs. For 31%, changes in legislation should not exert any effect on the labour market, while 26% do not have an opinion on the subject. Almost a quarter (24%) of respondents believe that there will be a decrease in jobs, while 19% expect an increase in the number of vacancies.
"We must bring down some myths about the modernization of labor laws. The negative view that some consumers have about the alterations is related to the lack of knowledge about the topic, as the research points out. Despite the reformulation, rights considered fundamental to the workers were maintained in the new configuration, such as the guarantee Fund for time of service, the thirteenth salary, unemployment insurance and maternity leave, for example, "explains the President of Cndl, José Cesar da Costa.
The President of the entity still explains that the effects of change, however, will not be felt immediately, since the country is in a slow process of exiting the recession. "It's early to reap the fruits of the new legislation. Just as the weight of the tax burden makes the country less competitive, the rigidity of a labor legislation such as Brazil limits the job offer. The recent modernization of laws is important for the country to overcome productivity problems. With the economy improving, more entrepreneurs tend to adhere to the new rules, "Costa says.
Unemployed are divided into benefits of the so-called intermittent work. Even so, 50% would accept hiring in this regime
One of the main novelties of the labor reform is the regulation of the so-called "intermittent work", a modality of hiring with a signed wallet in which there is no fixed work journey. In this way, the employee becomes remunerated hourly, according to the time worked. This modality does not replace the current fixed journey, but is presented as an option that is most available on the market. Regarding this change, the opinions of the interviewees are also divided. Almost a quarter (24%) of the unemployed consider the positive measure and 23% classify the new modality of hiring in a negative way. For one third (33%), it is regular. Another 20% did not respond or have no opinion formed.
For the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, some types of work fit better in the logic of flexible journey, such as service providers and some areas of commerce. "This is the case, for example, of bar and restaurant services, whose peak of movement occurs at specific times and can be worth this new rule. or trade, which usually gets more heated on certain commemorative dates, "explains The Economist.
Taking into account unemployed workers who consider the mode of work intermittent as something positive, 37% consider that change will create more jobs, causing unemployment to recue. Another 27% believe that the worker can exercise more than one activity through intermittent work and thus increase his/her income and 25% imagine that informality may decrease.
For those who classify intermittent work as a bad change for the population, 44% interpret that the change implies loss of labor rights, while 19% do not believe that it will be sufficient to make the informality decrease in the country.
In general, 50% of the Brazilian unemployed have declared themselves interested in working under the intermittent work regime, either by the possibility of reconciling the working hours with other activities, such as studies, for example (17%), being able to be hired In an integral way after a period as intermittent (17%) or receive benefits that do not exist in the informal market (15%).
"Regardless of the levels of approval or disapproval of the labour reform, the only way to prepare for the effects of change is to inform yourself and know more about it. Only the knowledge of the new legislation can make the worker able to make the best choices for his professional activities and, at the same time, help him to be attentive to the fulfillment of the rights that remain guaranteed in the Constitution ", analyzes the President of Cndl, José Cesar da Costa.