Delinquency in Campina Grande Falls 6% in the month of January


The month of January presented considerable decline in the number of indebtedness consumers in the Campina Grande trade. This was the monthly survey conducted by the House of shopkeepers – CDL Campina Grande, with the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil).

Over the last month, 948 people have had some debt registered in the credit protection body. In the same period last year were 1,147 delinquents. This represents a 6% decrease in the number of new debtors.

The same favorable index cannot be observed in relation to the already defaulted consumers who sought to leave the red. According to SPC Brazil, in January last year 828 consumers made some kind of negotiation to leave the register of delinquent, against the 674 who left the registration of debtors during the first month of 2018.

But the forecast is that in the coming months the number of campinenses with overdue debts falls progressively due to the draw of the houses of the housing of Aluísio Campos which has as one of the requirements, for the more than 4000 contemed with the Financing of the property, the name cleaned by SPC/Serasa.

Credit Consultation


Consumers wishing to know if they have any outstanding debt should look for CDL Campina Grande from Monday to Friday, from 08h to 18h, or on Saturdays, from 08 to 12h. To request the search is necessary the submission of the CPF and the payment of the service fee. 

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