President of BNDES gives lecture on Regional development at Unifacisa on day 20


The president of the largest development bank in Latin America, BNDES, the Rio economist Paulo Rabello Castro, will lecture in Campina Grande next Monday, 20, at Teatro Facisa. Rabello Castro, will talk about regional development for an audience formed by academics and professionals from the public and private sectors in the areas of economics, administration, Law, in addition to the banking, industrial and commercial sectors. The lecture is free and is scheduled to start at 10am.

Rabello Castro is coming to Campina Grande at the invitation of Unifacisa and CDL. The expectation of the local entrepreneurs for the event is very good, considering the credit prospects of BNDES for the productive sector of the Northeast. The president has made it clear since he took over the bank that the institution's priority is being realigned, aiming to end the era of national champions. "All those who have access to credit have less to do in BNDES," Castro said in an interview with El Pais in June this year.

Author of the book "The Myth of the free government," Rabello does not conceal his criticism of the Brazilian tax burden. With a doctorate from the University of Chicago and former student of Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences 1976, Rabello has sought to deploy a new format in the bank's network of banks of BNDES, approaching the financial institutions of the public sector To ensure greater and better credit for investors who are secundarised in the market.

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