Trade may run on the holiday of November 15th

The Chamber of Shopkeepers – * CDL of Campina Grande * informs that, according to the collective Convention, the trade of the city may normally function on the holiday of November 15 (proclamation of the Republic).

 The operation of the trade on this holiday is optional for companies and the rights assured to the worker, who provide service on the date, are:


 -company that has in its functional framework up to 10 (ten) workers will pay at the end of the business hours, upon receipt, as a cost help, the amount of R $36.00 (36 reais), to each worker summoned to work;


 -companies that have in their functional framework more than 10 (ten) workers will pay at the end of the business hours, upon receipt, as a cost aid, the amount of R $43.00 (43 reais), each worker summoned to work independently of realizing fixed or variable salary;


 -Workers shall be entitled to a full clearance of up to 21 (twenty-one) subsequent days.


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