CDL demands response against break-ins in stores in Campina Grande Center


Maintaining a commercial establishment in Campina Grande is a daily challenge – not only because of the need to seek competitive differentials to surprise customers and to circumvent market difficulties, but mainly by the constant threat of Crime.

Shopkeepers of the city center are outraged by the lack of public security. The increase in the number of break-ins in the region in recent months has generated panic for entrepreneurs who are obliged to invest even more in private security.

Even with the installation of grids, cameras and armed surveillance, criminals continue to be terrified of the scene. In just one month four stores installed in the streets Maciel Pinheiro and Sete de Setembro, some of the best known addresses of the trade, were targets of break-ins. Leaving the merchants of the region fearful of being the next targets.

But what becomes more frustrating is the lack of response from the public power to this situation. Did the similar cases that occurred in such a short time were not enough to strategize and arrest the bandits responsible for these actions? Is Campina Grande, an inland city, with almost half the population of João Pessoa, have so many bandits? The feeling is that public safety is directed with more attention to the state capital. Incidentally, the question is: are we in the same state?

The lack of effective to meet Campina Grande is a reality that contributes to the growth of crimes in the region. The solution to inhibit the action of the Bandits is only one, the ostensive presence of the police on the street.

The Chamber of Shopkeepers – CDL of Campina Grande, once again sympathizes with tenants who have been victims of the bandits and requires a response from the public security agencies of the state of Paraíba.

The Board of Directors

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