Councilors determine repeal of bag law


The Municipal Council of Campina Grande, during the public hearing held on Tuesday morning (15), decided to revoke Law No. 6,509, authored by Councilman Alexandre do Syndicate, which has on the mandatory use of oxibiodegradable bags in Commercial establishments to replace normal plastic bags. The decision will be put on the agenda for voting through a bill already filed at the parliamentary support secretariat.

The hearing was made from the purging of Aldermen Aldo Cabral, Antônio Pimentel Filho, Janduy Ferreira, Lucas Ribeiro and Renan Maracajá. The councilors stated that the motivation for revocation part of the assumption established by the value of the fine, which can harm small traders and suppliers.

For the President of the House of shopkeepers-cdl of Campina Grande, Artur Pellet, the law can undermine economic growth in the municipality, because it affects traders. "This measure is economically unfeasible! The cost of the bags is high and will be passed on by the companies for the population to pay, it is necessary to create guarantees to strengthen the creation of jobs and taxes and not create barriers, "he said.

According to the president of the plastic Industry Union of Paraíba, Péricles Felinto, the material used in the composition of the oxibiodegradable bags is not recommended for natural decomposition and affects the ecological environment. "The additive placed in the manufacture of oxydegradables does not detype, just crumbles the material and causes serious problems for nature. Plastic is not an enemy, it is necessary only to carry out selective collections and education of society, "he said.

The Water Resources and Environment Commission of the House of Félix Araújo has prepared to produce a new law, from the complementary law of the Municipal plan for integrated management of solid waste, to encourage the preservation of the environment in the municipality and Stimulate the ecological social education of the Campinese citizens.

* with information and photo of the press division of CMCG

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