Labor reform will be discussed at the I State Trade Forum


The Federation of the Chambers of shopkeepers of Paraíba (FCDL-PB) and CDL Campina Grande held, on August 31st, from the 8 hours, at the Quinta da Colina Maison, the I State Forum of Commerce, which brings the theme "The United Trade exceeds challenges".

 With the support of the other CdLS of Paraíba, the event will bring together big names of politics, business and entertainment in general with national recognition. Besides being a great meeting for debates and discussions about the economic panorama of the state and the country.

Among the topics that will be addressed is the labor reform, recently approved by the National Congress and which takes effect from the 18th of October. To talk about the matter, the federal deputy for the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Rogério Marinho, will minister lecture pointing out what changes in work relations from the new law.

In addition, other speakers will also be present, such as the entrepreneur and mayor of São Paulo, João Dória, who will talk about the "efficiency of public management and the impacts on the economy" and the president of SPC Brazil, Roque Pellizzaro Jr. That will present lecture with the theme: "Credit and consumption in Brazil: Trends and challenges".

Tickets for the I State Trade forum are being sold to CDL Associates of any municipality in Paraíba, students and non-associates. Interested parties may contact the FCDL/PB or CDL Campina Grande, via the telephones (83) 3211-8842 or (83) 99143.1176.


All information about the lecture schedule of the I State Trade Forum is also available on the website:

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