Delinquency of the Campinense consumer falls 16% in 2016

Sales in the Campina Grande trade during the year 2016 were below expectations. Some retailers have recorded a reduction of up to 7% in sales during the year.

As regards consumer defaults, 2016 was considered a positive year. This is because, according to the survey conducted by CDL Campina Grande and SPC Brazil, the number of debtors fell by 16% throughout the year that passed compared to the same period of 2015. 

From January to December of the last year 13,362 consumers were left with the "dirty name" next to the credit protection body. Well below the one presented in 2015, when 15,968 consumers ended the year with some debt. 

According to the president of CDL, Artur Marbles, one of the reasons for the fall in delinquency is that fewer job vacancies were closed over 2016 and the more consumers lower employees become the number of debtors. "We had an atypical year in the Campina Grande trade. The sales were well below the expectations outlined, but on the other hand, we should celebrate this significant data that is the decline of delinquency, "he said.

Another reason presented by the shopkeeper is the consumer's concern with the uncertainty situation of the country's economy. "People are still concerned about the direction of the economy and the changes that the current government has implemented. This reflects directly on sales, because people fail to acquire new debts to pay off existing ones, "he added.

The survey of indebtedness of the campinense consumer is carried out every month by CDL Campina Grande next to SPC Brazil.

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