The CDL ' Clear your name ' campaign seeks to reduce the number of delinquents in Campina Grande

The Campinese consumers who have the name negated with SPC Brazil have, from now on, the opportunity to regularize their debts. It is the campaign "Clear your Name", held by the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande (CDL-CG) in order to reduce the number of delinquents.

The action also aims to encourage consumers to use the payment of the thirteenth salary to pay their debts, return to have the name cleared in the square and take advantage of the discounts offered this year-end.

Those interested in negotiating will be able to search the service desk of CDL Campina Grande (located Rua Barão do Abiaí, No. 24, Centro) and fill out the available form informing the companies where there is any pending. In doing so, the CDL is responsible for seeking entrepreneurs to mediate the negotiation. 

The campaign starts next Monday (14) and should extend until the month of December. Currently, 6,857 Campinenses are part of the list of debtors of the credit protection service and the expectation of the CDL is that, with the campaign, this number decreases by 19%.

The number of consumers who negotiate debts with SPC Falls

A survey conducted by the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande (CDL-CG) with the Credit protection system (SPC Brazil), pointed out that, in 2016, the number of consumers who have sought the renegotiation of their debts fell 11% in Campina Grande Compared to the same period last year. 

From January to October 2016 were registered 6,857 exclusions of campinenses consumers from the National Register of debtors, while in 2015, this number was equal to 7,680 renegotiated debts.


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