Delinquency of companies closes 2018 with a high of 7.44%, but slows down in the northeast

Credit recovery grows almost 12% in the accumulated 2018. With a little better year in sales, companies have gained breath to regularize accounts. Among companies that fail to honor commitments, 46% operate in the trade the number of companies with overdue accounts and registered in the delinquent register presented growth of 7.44% in the closing of 2018 in comparison with 2017, but the pace of high lost Four of the five regions analyzed. The number of debts contracted on behalf of legal persons advanced 4.89% in December in the annual comparison. The data are from the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil). According to the indicator, in the North region, the growth of the number of companies with unpaid accounts was only 0.78%, the smallest among all Brazilian regions. In the Midwest, it was 2.10%, while in the northeast, the high was 2.35% and in the south, 3.71% – all below the national average and lower than the percentage observed at the height of the economic crisis, when it revoled around 10%. Last year, the only region to clash was the southeast, which ended the year 2018 with a high of 13.03% in the number of delinquent companies. The expressive number was influenced by the revocation of a law in the state of São Paulo that demanded by the creditors a letter with acknowledgement of receipt (AR) before effectiing the registration of delay. With the end of the law, which bureaucratizated and made more expensive the process of filing a debt in the database, many of the negativations that were represed entered the database in a more abrupt way. In the evaluation of the president of Cndl, José Cesar da Costa, the scenario of the most well-behaved delinquency among companies is a sign that economic recovery has already reflected, to some extent, improvement in the revenues of companies. "Although the financial health of the companies has not yet returned to the previous level of the crisis, the year 2018 was slightly better in sales than the previous ones, which gave a greater breath for companies to be able to honor their financial commitments and organise Backlog. It is noted that the situation of delinquency in the corporate scope is more circumnivable than among the individuals ", explains the president. In general, credit recovery, i.e. the movement of debt discharge on behalf of legal persons, increased 12.20% in December 2018 in the accumulated in 12 months, which shows that more companies managed to put their financial situation on day together to creditors. In addition, each debtor company has on average two financial disputes. Trade represents 46% of all companies that must; Service companies are the most no longer receiving open data by sector of the economy reveals that the increase in delinquency was higher among companies operating in the service industry, whose high was 10.87% in December 2018 in comparison with the same perio From the previous year. The delays between trade companies grew 5.13%, while in the industry, the high was 4.12%. In total, almost 46% of all companies that are negactivated belong to the trade sector. Among the creditors segments, that is, the companies that ceased to receive from other companies, the highlight was also the service sector, which encompasses banks and financial, whose high was 6.26% in the amount of delays. Secondly, the industries grew 3.18%, followed by trade, with a high of 2.17%. In terms of participation, 36% of the companies ' backlog is due to the services sector, 17% to commercial companies and 12% to industry. Methodology The company default indicator summarizes all the information available in the databases of Cndl (National Confederation of Shopkeepers) and SPC Brazil (Credit protection Service). The information available refers to the capitals and the interior of the 27 units of the Federation. Download the complete material in Https:// with information from CNDL/SPC Brazil

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