With unfavorable economy, Brazilian changes consumption habits and starts researching more price, appoint Cndl/SPC Brazil and Central Bank

Faced with an unfavorable economic scenario, much of the families started to better manage the budget and, consequently, create a healthier relationship with money. This is the point of a survey made by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil), in partnership with the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB). According to the study, eight out of ten (79%) Brazilians changed their daily habits and among the measures adopted, we highlight the price survey (59%) before the acquisition of some product — a percentage that reaches 68% in classes A and B. besides , 56% began to limit spending on leisure and 55% to control personal expenses. The financial tightening also made many people find alternatives to save. More than half (54%) of respondents sought to reduce the consumption of light, water and telephone, keeping an eye on the value of the account. Other 53% became aware of promotions in search of lower prices, while 46% replaced products with cheaper similar brands and 42% admit to having incorporated into their routine the practice of haggle. In the evaluation of the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, the data show that the consumer is more aware of the importance of controlling the expenses more closely. "The unfavorable economic situation ended up leaving a lesson for most Brazilians who realized how crucial it is to have a more controlled financial life. Search prices, rethink expenses, assess whether it is really necessary to acquire a particular product or even the simple fact of ordering discount in purchases are attitudes that contribute to an efficient management of the budget and avoid staying in the red ", guides the Economist. The changes in the standard of living to circumvent the moments of difficulties ended up causing emotional impacts on Brazilians, who saw their purchasing power be affected. For 32% of respondents, the desire to have something and not power has provoked a feeling of impotence. Already 26% are embarrassed for not being able to give the family what they want and 25% show frustration for failing to buy certain products they like. On the other hand, a considerable portion (37%) is said to be satisfied by maintaining at least the essential expenses and another relieved (33%) for not bursting the budget. Even if resumption of the economy is consolidated in 2019, most consumers intend to maintain financial practices adopted in the crisis the survey wanted to know whether the new behavior of Brazilians should remain in the face of the prospects of recovery of Economy. Considering a more favourable scenario for 2019, with the resumption of jobs and access to credit, the data indicate that the majority intends to continue with the same habits acquired in the crisis. The main item pointed out is the economy of light, water and telephone, mentioned by 71% of respondents. Among other practices cited are the exchange of products by others of Brand more account (68%), attention to promotions to obtain lower price (67%) and even cut or reduce the amount paid with services by subscription (65%) — TV or Internet, for example. There are also those willing to increase the frequency with which they save, at least part of the income (47%), and haggle or ask for discount on purchases (33%). On the other hand, some of the interviewees acknowledge that they can leave aside attitudes acquired with the crisis, as soon as the situation reimproves, such as reducing spending on leisure (16%), avoiding very long installments (15%) and resisting food items Superfluous (11%). The most cited reason for this behavior is the fact of resuming the lifestyle that had in the moments of economic bonanza (42%). The preference for good brands, even being more expensive (27%), appears as the second reason and then comes the difficulty in maintaining a regulated financial life (23%). "Good financial education habits are often regarded as restrictions on positive consumer experiences. But having a planned and controlled budget ends up enabling important goals in people's lives. Stop buying that pair of trendy sneakers, for example, help in purchasing school supplies. In addition, good budget management also prepares anyone for any unforeseen events that arise. Taking good care of finances avoids the stress that usually comes along with indebtedness or financial tightening, "says Luis Mansur, head of the Central Bank's financial citizenship Promotion Department. Methodology The research was conducted by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil), in partnership with the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB). The sample of 804 cases contemplates the 27 capitals, people over 18 years, all social classes and both genders. The margin of error is 3.5 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%.

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