Even retired, 21% of the elderly continue to work, reveals research Cndl/SPC Brazil

Longevity imposes challenges for the Brazilian population, in which a significant part continues to exert some professional activity even after retirement. A survey carried out in all capitals by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) shows that seven out of ten elderly (70%) are retired. Of this total, 21% continue to work and one of the main reasons is the fact that income is not enough to pay the bills (47%). Already 48% said they want to feel productive at this stage of life and 46% seek to keep the mind occupied. Although active, 43% recognize that they had difficulties to achieve an opportunity, mainly because they face prejudice with advanced age (30%). On the other hand, 57% stated that they did not have trouble getting work. When questioned about until the age they intend to work, more than half (61%) did not know how to define the right. For those who signaled to have a perspective in mind, the average is 74 years. Although the financial issue is a relevant point for those who choose not to stop, 76% of the elderly face work positively in this phase of life. So much so that one third (30%) of these mentions feeling satisfaction for being working and able to produce, while 20% are proud to maintain their independence, while 18% said they like what they do and still have many projects to be accomplished. In the evaluation of the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, the data reflects a new scenario with the increase in life expectancy in Brazil. "It is often perceived that the elderly did not prepare for this moment and the gains with retirement end up not being enough to maintain the desired standard of life. But we see a change in the vision of a large part of these people, who begin to find a special sense of work because they feel more productive and independent, "he says. Nine out of ten elderly people contribute with family budget; Social Security is the main form of preparation for retirement The study also notes that much of the households count on the income of relatives over 60 years. Nine out of ten (91%) seniors contribute financially to the budget, and 43% are the main responsible for the livelihood of the house. Still, 34% of respondents receive some type of costing — a percentage that grows to 40% among women — mainly from pension due to the death of their spouse (15%) or relatives (15%). When the subject is preparation for retirement, what is perceived is still a lack of awareness about the need to think about the future. Among those who have planned their eyes at this stage of life, three out of ten (32%) admit that they have never saved money exclusively for this purpose. Another 25% don't remember when they started making a reservation. In relation to 43% who remember the period of initiation of this savings, the average age was 27 years. The majority (47%) prepared or still prepares for retirement through the contribution to the INSS. Already 34% realized or made some type of investment — number that rises to 43% among men and 49% in classes A and B. Of this total, 13% of the resources were applied in savings, 9% in private pension of the company where he worked and 7% destined for other Investments, such as funds, stocks, CDBs, direct treasury and fixed income. There is also a portion that invests in pension pay on its own account (7%) and in real estate (6%) – considering only the properties treated as investment and not housing. Among those who signaled to have prepared, 25% attributed this behavior to their most cautious profile, while 21% said they mirrored themselves in examples close to people who did not prepare and had financial problems in retirement. Already 17% follow orientations of friends and family. As for those who did not prepare, the main factors cited are lack of income (29%) and surplus of money in the budget (25%). "Planning the retirement thinking only of the income that will come with the INSS is risky in the current economic context of the country, especially because the rules of social security can change at any time. In addition, the average value of the benefit granted is rarely sufficient to give cover expenses that were not foreseen, spending on remedies and health insurance, for example. The recommendation is to complement the pension gains with a private plan or other type of reservation. And the sooner, the better, "directs the financial educator of SPC Brasil and the portal" My Happy Pocket ", José Vignoli. Methodology 612 consumers aged over 60 years of both genders and of all social classes in the 27 Brazilian capitals were interviewed. The margin of error is 4.0 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%. Download the full search at Https://www.spcbrasil.org.br/pesquisas

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