Center of Campina Grande will have special schedule for the month of December

For many, year-end is also synonymous with extra money entering the account with the payment of the 13th salary to workers. Opportunity also for retailers to improve annual turnover since the period of the Christmas party is considered the best for retail.

and to offer greater convenience to consumers wishing to shop this Christmas, CDL Campina Grande is inviting retailers to join the special year-end time.  The proposal presented by the CDL is so that the opening hours of the stores are expanded to stimulate sales, including weekends and holidays.

Schedule starts to take place next Saturday-the schedule with the special schedules takes place from next Saturday, holiday of the patron of the city, when many stores have already signaled that they should work from 08h to 16h (for this they will have to pay the allowance Employees to work and offer them a break within 21 working days).

From Monday (10) The trade will be open until 20 hours during the week, on Saturdays up to 17 hours and on Sunday from 09 to 14 hours.

Sales growth-CDL projects growth around 5% in year-end sales in Campina Grande. For this, it asks retailers to do their part, adhering to the special time and investing in decorations that make the consumer enter the Christmas climate.

Sweepstakes should boost sales – CDL Campina Grande has prepared a Christmas campaign that will draw more than 100,000 reais in prizes this Christmas. will be drawn 03 prize trucks and 01 car 0km for consumers, plus prizes for shopkeeper and sellers. To participate the consumer receives a coupon every 50 reais in purchases in the participating stores. The draw takes place on January 08.

Special Trade Hours:

Sundays: 09 and 23 December-Das 9:00 to 14:00

Saturdays: 15th and 22nd December-up to 18:00

During the week: until 20:00

Day 8 December (Holiday): from 08:00 to 14:00

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