A report by the municipality of Campina Grande along with Group 6 Sigma found that the queen of Borborema is the city of Paraibana that most performs export. The data show that from January to September this year, a volume of US $38,470,000 was exported.
Among the main products exported are footwear, granite and yarn of synthetic fibers, among others. In this same period, João Pessoa exported the volume of US $7,060,000.
The document also shows that Campina Grande exported to 68 countries, including France, Portugal, the Philippines, Paraguay, Argentina, Australia, Israel, South Africa and the Dominican Republic, among others. On the other hand, it imported products from 32 countries, including the United States, Denmark and China.
Other data
The survey also shows that the population of Campina Grande is currently estimated at 407,472 people. The Municipal Human Development Index (IDHM) is 0.720 (based on data from 2010).
In 2016, the average monthly salary was 2.1 minimum wages. The proportion of people employed in relation to the total population was 26.6%, representing 108,477 people.
The data also reveal a difference in the income of men and women. While men receive an average of R $1,298, women's income is around R $909.
Still according to the data raised, as the age of the individuals increases, their nominal average monthly income also grows. The level of education is also a decisive factor for the average monthly nominal income.
Higher education is capable of generating the highest yields – on an average of R $3,109.23 – and as the level of education decreases the individual income also falls.
It was found, based on data from IBGE (2015), that the city of Campina Grande obtained in that year the gross domestic product (GDP) around R $8 billion. It was also found that, from 2002 to 2015, there was always a overcoming of GDP, comparing to the previous one.