Entities representing small and medium-sized enterprises go to the STF in defense of a fair tax burden


The National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) participated today (24) alongside the Brazilian service for the protection of Micro and small Enterprises (Sebrae), of an audience with Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the Supreme Court (STF) to address the direct action of Unconstitutionality (ADI), filed by the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) against the tax substitution of ICMS in the national simple.


The action, under the rapporteurs of Minister Gilmar Mendes in the STF, opposes the regime of tax substitution of Micro and small enterprises and argues that this systematic obliges them to pay more taxes than large companies.


"This is something that has hurt us for a long time and has arrived at an unbearable point that is exactly today you have the small company having a differentiated legal treatment to the AVAs. She pays more tax than the big company. This is a very profound discussion and we are now with the OAB and we enter as amicus curiae with all the entities representing the segment of small companies and who feel harmed, "said SEBRAE President Guilherme Afif Domingos.


ADI has the support of Sebrae, Fenacon and the National Union of entities of commerce and Services (UNECS), formed by the entities Abras, Abad, Abrasel, Afrac, Alshop, Anamaco, CACB and Cndl. "Our visit to Minister Gilmar Mendes shows the weight of the entities and the importance of this subject for the economic development of Brazil. We are the sector that has generated the most jobs in this moment of crisis by which the country passes. The tax burden is massacsing for small entrepreneurs, "recalled Cndl's president, José César da Costa.

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