With a high of 7.71%, term sales on children's Day grow for the second year followed, appoint Cndl/SPC Brazil

The term sales in the two weeks preceding the children's Day grew 7.71% in comparison with the same period last year, according to data obtained by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil). The rise of 2017 is a growth of 8.25% observed in the same period last year. Between 2015 and 2016, sales had fallen-3.59% and-12.20%, respectively.



Although sales for children's Day accumulated two years in a row, the movement in the stores still did not recover the in-depth losses in the period of the economic recession. Even with the 7.71% high in 2018, the term sales bitterest a 1.30% lower result than in 2014, for example.

For the president of Cndl José Cesar da Costa, sales growth is positive, especially when it is considered that children's Day is the last commemorative date before the Christmas season. "The balance is positive for retail, which already begins to feel a small rewarming of sales, after facing an unfavorable economic scenario in recent years. Still, the scenario is challenging for the coming months, since there is uncertainty on account of the elections and unemployment continues to limit the purchasing power of families ", ponders the president.

This year, according to a survey by SPC Brasil and Cndl, the most sought-after presents were clothing and footwear (38%), dolls (37%), airplanes and toy carts (21%), with an average expense of R $187.00.


The term sales calculation is based on the volume of consultations made to the SPC Brazil database (Credit protection Service), with nationwide coverage, between September 28th and October 11th of this year.

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