Only 31% of Brazilians are conscious consumers, reveals research Cndl/SPC Brazil


Although the majority of Brazilians recognize the importance of sustainable attitudes of consumption, few have been adopting more responsible practices in the day to day. It was verified a survey of the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) held in all the capitals of the country. According to the survey, most Brazilians (55%) fit the group of ' consumers in transition ', that is, with conscious consumption habits still below the desired. The little or nothing conscious add up to 14% of respondents, whereas only 31% can be considered ' conscious consumers '.

The data are part of the indicator of conscious consumption (ICC), which in 2018 reached 73%, remaining stable in relation to last year (72%). The ICC can range from 0% to 100%: the closer to 100% is the index, the higher the level of conscious consumption. To reach the result, questions are applied regarding the habits, attitudes and behaviors of the Brazilian routine, considering the financial, environmental and social aspects.



The study indicates that although people see conscious consumption as a factor that can make a difference in quality of life, this concern does not always translate into concrete actions. Proof of this counteract is that if on the one hand the interviewees demonstrate not to practice very often sustainable attitudes, on the other almost all (98%) considers important or very important to have a life with more conscious consumption habits — be By saving water and energy resources, reducing purchases or reusing things.

"Many people understand the importance of transforming good intentions into good habits, but it only takes some attitude when the account gets expensive. And it's not enough to have an awareness effort only in critical situations. This practice must be continuous, in addition to being clear that the scarcity of resources is a very close reality, "says the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawaut.

To save, nine out of ten consumers do some kind of home service that could be contracted out

Going out buying inconsistently has several negative implications. The most perceived by the consumer is the one that impacts her life immediately. For this reason, the financial aspect is what most influences the practices of conscious consumption among people — that is, when it weighs in the pocket. The survey points out that among the various practices that are already part of the routine of Brazilians, stand out: Always search price, which results in the purchase of the cheapest items (92%), pre-evaluate the budget to know whether it is possible to take or not a Certain product (91%) and choose not to acquire something new when the good can still be used or even repaired (90%).

In addition, 88% of respondents said they have the custom to make in their own home some services that could be contracted out to save, such as manicure, Pet shop, cinema and snacks. Other 87% guarantee that they always plan day-to-day purchases, such as supermarkets, fairs and small acquisitions.

The survey also indicates that there is an effort on the part of consumers to control the budget and save to the fullest. While 78% always ask for discounts on their purchases, 77% do not resort to the special check or credit card limit to be able to close the accounts of the month. For 75%, one way to save is to consume only fruits and vegetables of the time, because they are cheaper. Other 72% avoid shopping in installments so as not to compromise your monthly income.

"The crisis, albeit by force, has been teaching Brazilians many valuable lessons about saving and researching before going out shopping. It is not simply to curb consumption, but rather to understand that it is necessary to buy with intelligence. Instead of always looking for a new product, it is possible to seek reuse, exchange, rent, repair or means that do not exclusively involve the decision to throw away and buy another ", evaluates the financial educator of the portal ' My Pocket happy ', José Vignoli.

More than half of respondents believe that conscious consumption will only be important in a few years

Good news refers to the adoption of environmentally sustainable habits, which are already incorporated into the routine of Brazilians, according to the research. When considering the rational consumption of water, the attitude most adopted by the interviewees (92%) is to close the tap while brushing the teeth. Then, those who claim to control every month the value of the water bill (86%), soaping the dishes with the sink faucet closed (85%), do not consider an exaggeration the belief that one day the water will end (85%) and not wash the house or the sidewalk with hose (83%).

As for the rational use of electricity, which has a great social and environmental impact, there is also a growing awareness of Brazilians. Deleting the lights from environments that are not being used is the main practice (95%) mentioned. The second most common habit of economics is linked to the control of the value of the light account (90%) and the third is to pass clothes only when there is a large volume of parts (82%). There are still 76% of consumers who are concerned about verifying the amount of energy that a given household appliance spends before buying it and 73% that give preference to the use of LED bulbs in the residence.

Among the actions of preservation of the environment, the most common cited in the research are to donate or exchange a product before throwing it out (86%) and avoiding printing papers to reduce expenditures and losses to the planet (79%). On the other hand, there is a warning sign: More than half only finds it important to practice conscious consumption in a few years, when more serious problems reach the environment (55%).

Bad habits in day-to-day and poorly perceptible results in the face of changes in attitude are the main obstacles to responsible consumption

The research also reveals the aspects that motivate conscious consumption. For 35% of respondents, the rational use of water and electricity is linked to actions that avoid the waste of a good that can end, while 22% claim to give the example to children, family, friends and neighbors, influencing their attitudes.

In addition, most people heard disapprove of harmful consumer attitudes when they see others wasting water, energy or buying products without worrying about the environment. Of every ten interviewees, six (60%) feel harmed because they believe that nothing will change if only themselves and not the whole do their part.

Among the main obstacles pointed to the adoption of attitudes of conscious consumption, the most cited has to do with bad habits that are becoming routine without the person noticing. When it comes to saving water, light and phone, 33% recognize that the main barrier is distraction or forgetfulness. Already 22% claim to be discouraged because they do not see results in the face of changes in attitude, while 20% mention lack of time.

87% of Brazilians avoid brands that use slave labor; While 58% buy counterfeit products with some frequency, attracted by the price

To understand how much people see their role and place as individuals who act in favor of the collectivity, the survey wanted to know what actions are being made. The most cited practices are: encouraging home people to save water and light (93%), prioritize free time with family or friends, instead of going to malls or shopping (89%), avoiding purchases of branded products or companies that use slave labor (87 %) and advise others to think whether they really need what they're going to buy or whether it's just a passenger wish (82%). A data that draws attention in the survey shows that 58% end up buying sometimes non-original goods for the attractive price.


824 consumers were interviewed in the months of May and June, in the 27 Brazilian capitals, over 18 years of age, of both genders and of all social classes. The margin of error is 3.4 percentage points for a confidence of 95%. Download the full search at Https://

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