Esocial goes on for micro and small businesses without simple

Since last Wednesday (10), companies that have billed up to R $78 million in 2016 and are not adept to Simples should go to inform their employees ' data on the Esocial portal. The system concentrates on a single platform labor, tax and social security data provided by the companies. In January, companies with revenues higher than this same roof were the first to join the program. The submission of information on workers should take place until January 9, 2019.
According to the Labor consultant Daniel Santos, it is possible that the system is unstable on the first day, because this group of companies is even greater than the first. He also says that it is important that employers, before starting to register employee data in the system, use the platform, available on the same portal site, cadastral qualification, to verify that there are no conflicts between the information that already Contained in other government databases, such as the IRS and Caixa.
-If there is data that does not match, the system already informs where the problem is and the employer needs to correct it before registering in Esocial-directs Santos.
The esocial replaces the model of delivery of the data of workers, which until then demanded the communication of information to different organs of the Government, such as the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and the IRS. Companies that do not comply with the data submission schedule by Esocial are subject to penalties and fines. The program began in the first half of 2018 and provides for five phases. The third stage begins on January 10, 2019, when the companies that are members of the simple national, including the MEI, non-profit institutions and individuals (which comprise the third group), must send information to the system.
The last group, formed by the public agencies and international organizations, will have to forward the labor information to E-Social from January 2020. Initially, all companies with revenues of up to R $78 million in 2016 would join at once in the system. But, according to the decision published in the Official Gazette of the last day 5, the group was divided into two (those who joined the singles and those with another taxation regime).
-After an evaluation of the Committee, from the experience with the implementation of Esocial for the first group, it was clear the need for a longer deadline for the implementation of the project in other companies-says the fiscal auditor of the work João Paulo Machado, member of the Esocial Project in the Ministry of Labor (MTB).
Understand Esocial
The purpose of the program is to simplify the submission of information regarding tax, social security and labor obligations and reduce bureaucracy for companies. Data communication to esocial replaces the filling and delivery of separate forms and declarations with each government organ.
Source: O Globo

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