Brazil closes month of September with 62.4 million negactivated, estimate Cndl/SPC Brazil

The volume of customers with overdue accounts is still high throughout the country, reflecting the difficulties of families. In the last month of September it increased by 3.9% the amount of new delinquents in comparison with the same period last year. The data are from the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) and the Credit protection service, from the bases that both institutions have access to. In absolute numbers, it is estimated that about 62.4 million Brazilians are restricted to the CPF, which represents 40.6% of the adult population over 18 years.

If in the annual comparison there was an increase of Brazilians with delayed accounts, in the monthly comparison the delinquency presented slight decline. In the passage from August to September, without seasonal adjustment, the number of delinquent people was practically stable, with a variation of 0.1%. For the president of Cndl, José Cesar da Costa, the delinquency remains high in the country. "Unemployment remains high and income has not exceeded the levels before the crisis, damaging the budget and the ability to pay consumers. This framework should only be reversed with the improvement of the labour market, which in turn requires a more vigorous economic recovery ", explains the president.

Delinquency among the elderly advances 10.0%. More than half of the population in the range of 30 to 39 years is negactivated

The indicator reveals that the most pronounced increase in delinquency happens among the older population. In the comparison between September 2018 and September of last year, there was a 10.0% increase in the amount of delinquents between 65 and 84 years. In absolute numbers, a total of 5.4 million consumers are estimated with a restricted CPF in this age group.

Considering the Brazilians from 50 to 64 years, the number of negactivated numbers was 6.2%, with 12.9 million, and in the population from 40 to 49 years was 4.9%, with 14 million of delinquents.

The data also point out that most of the delinquents (51.5%) remain in the range of 30 to 39 years. It's 17.7 million people who can't honor their financial commitments. In the youngest population, the numbers are also expressive: 7.7 million of delinquents between 25 and 29 years and 4.4 million with overdue accounts are between 18 and 24 years.

In the evaluation of the President of SPC Brazil, Roque Pellizzaro Junior, the fact that the elderly are having more and more access to credit lines ends up leading to delinquency in this age group. "With the increase in life expectancy, the elderly population participates increasingly actively in the credit market, with a wider range of products and services aimed at this specific audience. This raises the number of potential consumers in this age group, as well as the number of consumers who eventually fall into delinquency, "he says.


Delinquency grows 11.9% in the southeast. North is a region with a higher proportion of people with restricted CPF

Once again the southeast region continues to have a higher number of debtors, with 11.9%. In the second place was the north, with an increase of 4.0%; In the third, the northeast appears, with 2.7%; In fourth is the south, also with 3.7%; and fifth the Midwest, with 1.0%.

Proportionally, the North region concentrates the highest number of delinquents: 48.2% of its adult population has a restricted CPF, which represents 5.8 million of negactivated consumers. The second most delinquent region is the northeast, which has 42.3% of adults with overdue accounts or 17.2 million of consumers with credit restrictions. In the Midwest are 5 million of delinquents (42.3% of the local adult population), in the southeast there are a total of 27 million negactivated (39.1% of residents over 18 years) and in the south, about 8.4 million of people with financial backlogs (37.2% of the population Adult).

Debt Volume is high from 1.5% in September; Bank debts grow 8.5%, while Crediary has a drop of-6.1%

Another number calculated by Cndl and SPC Brazil is the volume of debts that is in the name of individuals. In the last month of September, there was a growth of 1.50% ante 2017. In the monthly basis of comparison, that is, September front August, was observed a slight drop of-0.04% in the volume of overdue debts.

The backlog data by creditor sector reveals that bank debts — credit card, special check and loans — presented the most expressive high in September: 8.5% compared to the same month of 2017. In the trade it was observed a decline of-6.1% with delays in the crediary. Then comes the basic services, such as water and Light, whose fall was-1.1%.

As for the participation, 52.7% of the non-paid financial commitments were contracted in banks or financial, followed by trade (17.9%) and loan providers of basic services (7.9%).


The consumer default indicator summarizes all the information available in the databases to which SPC Brazil (Credit protection Service) and Cndl (National Confederation of Shopkeepers) have access. The information available refers to the capitals and the interior of the 27 units of the Federation. The estimate of the number of delinquents has an approximate error of 4 p.p., at a confidence interval of 95%. Download full of the indicator and the historical series at: Https://

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