Cndl launches campaign against sharing false news on social networks

The National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) launches this week the fake news campaign, whose goal is to make an alert against the spread of false news on social networks. The pieces provide tips on how to identify false news and proceed to these situations. The campaign focuses on social networks and includes cardsfor dissemination on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, e-mail marketing, and jingle.

"The Cndl system launches this campaign against fake wews as an alert to society so that the current distribution of false news on social networks, especially at this pre-election moment, is broken. As a representative of nearly half a million associated companies in the entire country we know our responsibility in combating the sharing and reproduction of these reverities ", explains the president of Cndl, José César da Costa.

All materials will be shared with the federations of the shopkeepers ' chambers (Fcdls) and the shopkeepers ' chambers (CdLS) so that the entities actively participate in the campaign. "The idea is to have a broad initiative aligned with the commitment of the whole system to bar the sharing of false news," says Costa.


Joint effort

The fight against fake news has proven to be a worldwide effort. Facebook, for example, has closed agreements with checking agencies to verify the truthfulness of shared information on the network. In Brazil, this partnership occurs with the agencies Lupa, the facts and France Presse. In another front, the company also fights against fake profiles. In a statement released in May, he reported that this year he dropped, on average, 6 million false accounts per day.

Here in Brazil, the Superior electoral Tribunal (TSE) reported that the Public Prosecutor's office and the Federal Police will integrate an advisory board created to study solutions for the topic. The Group will act within the TSE with intelligence studies to anticipate the dissemination of inappropriate content through robots, for example.

The 3rd Digital Security report in Brazil, released in May by the Dfndr Lab, PSafe Security Lab, start up security application developer, points out that between January and March this year, fake news has been accessed more than 2.9 million times In Brazil. According to projections of the company, the number of people impacted by these false news can reach 8.8 million of Brazilians.

Although there is no criminal type that addresses the punishment of those who create rumors in Brazil, there are currently 14 projects in the National Congress in this direction. Of these, 13 are in the House of Deputies and one in the Senate, according to the Senate Social Communication Council.

How to identify false news?

A simple walkthrough can prevent the propagation of false news on social networks. When receiving information from which there is no certainty of the truthfulness, it should be verified whether the origin is reliable and check the date of publication, and check the URL of the page and search for other sources for the same news. It is also important to go beyond the headline and read the news in full. The existence of misspellings can help identify false news.

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