CDL promotes I cycle of legal update

The Chamber of shopkeepers – CDL Campina Grande, takes place from next Tuesday (31) The I cycle of legal update. Event aimed at lawyers, legal advisors and other audiences interested in acquiring specific knowledge in the area.  

The meeting takes place in six fortnightly dates and will start on the night of July 31st, at 19 o'clock, in the auditorium of the CDL, with the lecture "Management Challenges: Leadership, motivation and sales", taught by the requested organizational consultant Kelly Malheiros.

The goal of the meeting, according to the president of CDL, Carlos Botelho, is to promote the updating of professionals in the area so that, as a result, companies become more strengthened. "We had the desire to bring to Campina Grande an event geared to the legal class and community in general. It is an extremely interesting opportunity for us to discuss the true role of legal class within companies, "he said.

The shopkeeper has made an invitation for entrepreneurs to honor the event. "We seek the legal improvement of business class, as well as disseminate knowledge about rights. Therefore, we invite all lawyers of CDL's associated companies to attend the event ", he concluded.

For this first lecture no fee is required, it is only recommended that the interested parties deliver two pounds of food at the reception of the CDL to have access to the venue of the event. Already from the second meeting will be asked the value of R $15.00 for associates CDL and R $30.00 for non-associates.

Check out the lecture schedule of the I CDL Legal update Cycle:

31/07 – Lecture: Management challenges: Leadership, Motivation and sale

Speaker: Kelly Malheiros – Organizational Consultant

07/08 – Lecture: Governance in family businesses: Is it possible? How to Protect equity

Speaker: Jéssica Leal

21/08-Labor reform: What changes in the dynamics of the employee and employer relationship in practice?

Speaker: Allan Qeuiroz

04/09 – Lecture: Chief X Leader: Competitive differential in management and its legal implications

Speaker: Jéssica Leal

18/09 – Lecture: Strategic Legal Management: prevention as a reducing tool for demands

Speaker: Ivna Mozart Bezerra Soares 

02/10-How to close the best deal? Errors and successes of a commercial contract

Speaker: Andrezza Almeida

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