One in ten consumers contracted funding in the last year, points out research from SPC Brazil and Cndl

A survey conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) nationwide reveals that 10% of Brazilians have made some kind of financing in the last 12 months, especially classes A and B (16%). Of this total, 43% contracted this type of credit for the purchase of the new car, 20% to afford college and 17% to realize the dream of the house itself. Among other reasons mentioned, we highlight the purchase of furniture (17%), electronics (12%), motorcycle (12%) and renovation
of the property (11%). Although most financing is related to items that require planning, 42% of respondents reported that they resorted to this type of credit to supply some punctual or unforeseen needs. Whereas 35% sought to achieve a dream of consumption. In addition, the study shows that 14% of consumers have financed some good for the benefit of a friend or a relative. On the other hand, 87% did not make any kind of financing in the last year.

"Many Brazilians want to buy a zero car, their own home or do a higher course, but do not have financial conditions to pay in cash. And funding enables the realization of the dream. Without it, most people would not be able to acquire high-value goods. Despite this, a long-term financial commitment like this requires a lot of planning to ensure that the family's financial health is not impaired, "explains SPC Brazil's chief economist, Marcela Kawauti.

26% of Brazilians do not evaluate financing costs; One in five assumes not having control of payments

Although the research reveals that 71% of Brazilians who have made some funding in the last year have analyzed the tariffs and the interest charged at the time of hiring the service, 26% did not come to study the costs — with 14% recognizing only having assessed whether the parcel to Be paid fit in the budget. Before deciding on funding, 78% of consumers claim to have verified the real possibility of making benefits over the entire period, while 16% did not evaluate.

The study also wanted to know the interviewees ' perception of interest levied on the hiring of financing and 22% considered abusive rates. About 33% find the high values and 30% said that the values practiced are reasonable.

When questioned about how to manage the payment of parcels, one in five interviewees (23%) assumes not to effectively control these payments. Already 77% say that they follow closely the expenses with the financing, and 30% do it by means of notes in the notebook or agenda. Another 24% records expenses in mobile apps and 23% on computer spreadsheets.

20% of respondents with open funding admits to having delayed parcels; The average is two instalments in arrears

The interviewees stated that, on average, between one and two open financing, of which 33% have one, 18% have two and 5% three or more. Among those who maintain open financing, the average amount of parcels payable is 18 installments. While 34% claim they do not currently have funding because they have already paid their commitments in the last year.

The lack of control over spending is reflected in the default of a significant number of consumers who have financing. One out of five respondents with open funding (20%) have arrears, with an average of two late installments per person. In the opposite, 72% are paying the parcels in a day.

The consequences for those who delay the payment of the benefits imply the payment of fines and interest, until the negation of the name. The research shows that two out of five interviewees (39%) already had the name dirty due to the lack of payment of portions of the financing, with 27% adjusting the situation and 12% remain negated.

10% of Brazilians have not been able to finance in the last three months; Dirty name is main reason for request denied

Two out of ten consumers tried to make some kind of funding in the last three months (16%), but 10% had requested denied — especially classes C, D and E (11%). And the main reasons are linked to the restriction of the name in credit protection registers (54%), the value of financing greater than that allowed by income (24%) and no guarantees for creditors (9%).

Among the consumers who had their loans denied, 30% wanted to buy a car, 16% planned to acquire a property, 13% electronic and 10% mobile. On the other hand, only 6% of respondents achieved financing approval and 84% said they did not attempt to hire financing during the period.

"In view of the recession situation in which the country recovers, banks and creditors became more selective when granting credit. The recessive scenario led to the growth of unemployment and imposed limits on the disposable income of the consumer, which increases the risk of the loan. In practice, this implies greater rigidity in the granting of credit. Still, data from the Central Bank of Brazil show that the total credit balance in the country for individuals is recovering, and shows growth in twelve months ", highlights the economist of SPC Brazil.


We interviewed 910 consumers in the month of March, in the 27 Brazilian capitals, over 18 years of age, of both genders and of all social classes. The margin of error is 3.2 percentage points for a confidence of 95%. Download the full search at Https://

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