IRS opens accession to the MPE Refis

Tax debts of the companies of Simples can already be installments

The website of the IRS is receiving, since Wednesday, the accessions to the pert of the national simple – pert SN, better known as Refis of the Micro and small companies inscripts in the simple national. The deadline is up to 21h on the 9th of July. By the program, it is possible to installments tax debts in up to 15 years, valid for taxes due until November 2017, including for those who are no longer opting or have given low in the CNPJ.

Discounts can reach 90%, and individual microentrepreneurs (MEI) can also benefit from the program. For MEI, the minimum portion is R $50. In the case of micro and small enterprises, the minimum value is R $300. The walkthrough is available on the HTTPS://WWW2.PGFN.FAZENDA.GOV.BR/ECAC/CONTRIBUINTE/LOGIN.JSF website.

The conditions for payment, both for the micro and small companies entered in the simple and for individual micro-entrepreneurs, are:

– Payment in kind of at least 5% of the total amount of the debt, without reductions, in up to five monthly and successive installments. The remainder can be liquidated in three ways: a) wholly, in a single parcel, with a reduction of 90% of the interest on arrears, 70% of fines and 100% of legal charges; b) in up to 145 monthly and successive installments, with a reduction of 80% of interest, 50% of fines and 100% of legal charges; c) installment in Up to 175 monthly and successive installments, with a reduction of 50% of interest, 25% of fines and 100% of charges.

The refinancing program was approved by the Senate at the end of last year, but was fully vegged in January of this year by the President of the Republic, Michel Temer, on the grounds that the measure was the tax Liability Act by not predicting the origin of Resources that would cover the discounts. Finally, the law should benefit, according to Sebrae, about 600,000 companies, whose debts are approximately R $20 billion.

"The Refis of the MPE was an achievement of the entities representing the sector of commerce and services and showed the importance of working together in favor of the development of Brazil. The Cndl system consists of 95% of micro and small companies that, despite the crisis, have held the offer of jobs. With the entry into force of the new law, I hope that the sector will gain extra oxygen to support the resumption of the economy, "said CNDL President José César da Costa.

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