Inliminary guarantees opening of the Campina Grande Trade this Saturday April 21st


The trade union of the State of PARAÍBA and the retail trade union of CAMPINA GRANDE come to inform all members and society in general that it was granted Judicial decision in case no 0000257-68.2018.5.13.0014, allowing the regular Operation of the retail trade and wholesaler in Campina Grande on the holiday of April 21, 2018 (Tiradentes Day).


Welcoming the request of these unions, the judgement of the 3rd branch of the work of Campina Grande understood that the suspension of activities can generate irreparable damage to companies and commercial establishments in general, to the population and to the workers themselves, the Who receive salary per commission.


For the opening, the following criteria were determined:


  A) Employees working on the scale should be communicated in advance of 24 hours;

b) The employees who will work on the scale will receive cost assistance as follows: For companies that have in their functional framework up to 10 (ten) employees, the cost assistance owed to each worker convened for the holiday work, regardless of Perceive fixed or variable salary, will be R $50.00; For companies that have in their functional framework more than 10 (ten) employees, the cost assistance due to each worker summoned to work on the holiday, regardless of perceiving fixed or variable salary, will be R $60.00.

c) Employees who will work on the scale should receive compensatory clearance within the 21 days following the holiday.


 The wholesale trade union of the State of PARAÍBA and the retail trade union of CAMPINA GRANDE praise the decision rendered and make available to members to clarify any doubts.

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