Average time of unemployment in the country lasts one year and two months, reveals research of SPC Brazil and Cndl

Study outlines the profile of the Brazilian unemployed: majority have children, complete high school and, on average, 34 years. 61% are willing to earn less than in the last job; 34% were operating in the services sector and 33% in the trade

Although the scenario of economic recession is finally in the end, with most indicators showing improvement, the number of Brazilians waiting for a job opportunity is still high and accumulates 12.3 million people at the end of 2017. The research "unemployment and the search for professional relocation in Brazil", held by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) in all capitals shows that the average time of unemployment already reaches 14 Months among the interviewees, higher than that observed in 2016, when it revoled around 12 months.

The study shows the following profile of the unemployed: 59% are female, with a mean age of 34 years; 54% have up to full high school, 95% belong to classes C/D/E and 58% have children, most of whom are under age. Among those who already had a job before, 34% worked in the service segment, while 33% in the trade sector and 14% in the industry. The average length of stay in the last job was approximately two years and nine months.

In the last job, 40% of the unemployed had a signed license, 14% were informal and 11% autonomous or liberal professionals. Already 8% of the current unemployed are seeking the first professional opportunity. "Everything points to a scenario of recovery in the labor market, but this is still a shy movement and that, at the moment, remains concentrated in informality, which implies hiring without a signed wallet and self-employed activities", evaluates the President of SPC Brasil, Roque Pellizzaro.

"People know they can't wait at home for rewarming the market, so they're looking for alternatives for survival. However, informality also implies fragility. The worker who operates under these conditions has no protection and is subject to market variations. Therefore, it is important to inform and seek formalization ", says the president. According to Pellizzaro, a self-employed activity can, for example, fit into the MEI modality – individual micro-entrepreneur. "With it it is possible to have CNPJ, issue invoices and contribute to retirement, among other possibilities".

According to the survey, among those who had already had some employment before, 67% had previously been unemployed and 32% had never been through this situation. More than half (57%) know someone else who is also unemployed or has had to close their company in the last three months.

In 56% of the cases, respondents claim to have been disconnected from the company, but another 17% guarantee they have resigned and 14% claim that an agreement has been made.

Among those who were dismissed, most of them claim external causes, mainly linked to the economic crisis, such as reducing costs on the part of the company to deal with the effects of the crisis (35%), reducing the idle workforce (12%) and closing the company (11%). Taking into account only those who resigned, the main reason pointed out was some health problem (15%), followed by dissatisfaction with wages (13%) and the desire to be able to devote more time to the family (11%).

Asked about the type of opportunity desired by the unemployed, 46% prefer the posts with a signed wallet, while 29% mention any vacancy, regardless of the format.

61% of the unemployed are willing to earn less than in the last job

The SPC Brazil and Cndl survey shows that six out of ten unemployed (61%) are willing to earn less than they received in the last job – a fall compared to last year (68%).

The main justifications in these cases are that what is currently important is to return to the labour market (23%) and get a job to pay the expenses (22%). On the other hand, 39% are not willing to receive less, being the most cited reason the fact that they face the lower salary as professional regression (19%), followed by the possibility of being difficult to return to the salary level they had before (13%).

The survey reveals that, considering those who have been called for interviews since they are unemployed (40%), 56% have come to refuse some proposal, and 18% did so because the remuneration or benefits were insufficient, while 13% claimed That the place was far from home.

Among the unemployed, 66% are looking for jobs, and the average search time for jobs is almost 10 months. Another 25% are resorting to alternative sources of income while not finding employment and 9% are waiting for something, because they have sought a job opportunity for a long time without success. The vast majority (78%) feel that they are able to get a job, and the main reasons are to have a good professional experience (40%), fill in employment sites (27%) and frequently read newspapers and job sites in search of vacancies (27 %).

53% are confident in getting jobs in the next 3 months

According to the survey, about 25% of the unemployed claim to be in search of professional training to achieve better opportunities and 53% are confident that they will get an opportunity in the next three months. The average expectation that they get a job is just over four months.

For the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, getting a new job is more than replacing the professional life on the rails, "is having the chance to recover everyday habits, be able to acquire products and services and enjoy small amenities – things of which many Brazilians, to a greater or lesser degree, had to give up in recent times due to financial difficulties. "

The main priorities after getting a job will be to return to consume products that like clothes, shoes, electronics (51%), return to the standard of purchase in the supermarket they had before (47%) and return to perform leisure activities as a way out to bars and Restaurants (46%).

The data also show that the unemployed are divided as to the future of unemployment in Brazil in 2018:31% believe that unemployment will increase, 31% will remain equal and 24% will decrease.

"Although the recovery of the economy is already underway, the future remains uncertain for millions of Brazilians who await a new job opportunity, whether to resume their careers, be it simply to pay the bills and re-consume, reassume, Gradually, the standard of living they had before unemployment, "The economist says.

 41% of the unemployed who have a family are the main responsible for the livelihood of the house; 28% had some family conflict


 In addition to investigating the profile and behavior of the unemployed in the search for a relocation, the research analyzed the impact of unemployment in the family context. For this, some questions were focused on the unemployed who do not live alone: 34% of them guarantee that there is at least one more person without work in the home where they live.


 Around 87% of those unemployed listened financially to home spending when they had a job, and 41% were or are still the main responsible and 29% were not the main responsible, but still help in some way.


 As a result of unemployment, 28% had some family conflict, and the main reasons were the disagreement about household spending (13%) and fights because of the division of Payment of accounts (12%).



Already 34% guarantee that unemployment motivated other people in the house, who previously did not work, working or making nozzles. In more aggravating cases, 16% of these respondents stated that after the loss of employment, some member of the family needed to interrupt the studies to work and help with home expenses.



 The research sought to outline the profile of the Brazilian unemployed and the impact on the process of professional relocation in the market. 600 unemployed Brazilians aged over 18 years, of both genders and of all social classes in the 27 capitals were interviewed personally. The general margin of error is 4.0 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%.

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