Debts of campinenses in SPC add up to R $20 million

Many consumers fail to pay the debt for believing that after five years it will cease to exist in the database of the National Register of debtors. Thus, the trade in Campina Grande, which already suffers from the high taxes charged by the state Government and with the competition of e-commerce, stops earning real millions.

   A survey carried out by the House of shopkeepers – CDL Campina Grande found that currently 25. 558 campinenses are registered with the Credit protection service-SPC Brazil-for they cease to honor with the payment of some purchase. Together, these consumers owe more than 20 million reais to companies working in the city. According to the calculation, the average ticket of the consumer debts corresponds to R $1,032.06.

Prescribed debts already correspond to millionaires figures

   Another finding that raises concern is that in the last six months the debts of 3,185 consumers were prescribed only in Campina Grande, which represents the loss of R $1. 665,223 in Campinense Retail.

   According to the president of CDL, Artur pellet, the numbers cause concern for retail. "When the sector fails to invoice with the sales effected because the consumer did not honor with the payment is the entrepreneur who will feel the weight of this debt, because even without receiving it will have to pay the supplier and bear the payment of the salaries of its employees" . Highlighted.

    The concern of the shopkeeper is not by chance. The number of delinquent companies already exceeds the 3000 and the valor of the debts added reach exceeds the R $7 million (as statement). "This reality also contributed to the number of closed companies increasing by 12% in recent years, in Campina Grande, according to the secretariat of Micro and small company," he said.

Is it true that the debt prescribes after five years?

   According to the Civil code, a person's name can only be for a maximum of 5 years in the delinquency register. This limit is for each of the debts contracted and unpaid. But that doesn't mean that the debt ceases to exist. If the creditor judicially charges the debt, she will never prescribe. The debt only prescribes if it is not charged.

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