Delinquency of the consumer opens the year with a high of 2.10%

Consumer delinquency increased 2.10% in January 2018 before the same month last year. This was the highest growth since June 2016, when the elevation was 2.78%. In the monthly comparison with December 2017, the increase was 0.96%, the largest since May 2017. According to the data from the delinquency indicator of the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl), published today (9), are more than 60.7 million Brazilian consumers enrolled in records of Number representing approximately 40% of the country's adult population.


The president of Cndl, José Cesar da Costa, said that for the first months the expectation is that of a slow process of retreat in the volume of delays in payments, if the projections of controlled inflation, low interest rates and improvement of the indicators are confirmed. "Even so, what will most favour a decline in delinquency is a more pronounced recovery of the labour market and the return of gains in the real income of the consumer, which has not yet recovered from the falls of recent years," he said.




The Cndl research points out that the largest number of negated consumers is the southeast. It is 25.7 million people, representing 39% of the adult population of the region. Next appears the northeast, with 16.5 million negactivated (41% of the population of the region); The south, with 8.2 million of delinquents (37% of the adult population); The north, with 5.4 million debtors (45% of the total resident population, the largest among the five regions); And the Midwest, with a total of 4.9 million delinquents, or 42% of its population.


When analyzing the age group, what the data reveals is that 50% of the population between 30 years and 39 years started the year with the name on some list of debtors. There are 17.3 million consumers in this situation. Among those who have between 40 years and 49 years, 13.4 million, or 48%, have some unpaid debt, which can be explained by the fact that in this stage of life many already have family and children. "So they assume more financial commitments. In a moment of crisis, it can be difficult to balance the budget if there is no control and discipline, "explained the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti.


Among consumers aged between 18 years and 24 years the proportion of delinquents falls to 20%, ie 4.8 million. The elderly population, considering the age range between 65 years and 84 years, the proportion is 31%, which represents 5 million people with the CPF enrolled in delinquent registers. In the other age groups there are 7.8 million delinquents between 25 years and 29 years; 12.2 million among those who have 50 years and 64 years and approximately 232,000 elderly over 85 years who have restricted CPF.


Overdue debts


SPC Brazil and Cndl also found that there was a negative variation of 1.94% in January 2018 before the same period last year in the volume of overdue debts. In the monthly comparison, with December 2017 there was a high of 0.87%. The delays with utilities companies of water and light services was what showed the biggest fall in debt in January in the annual comparison, of 7.12%. Trade delays fell by 6.97%.


Delays with bank debts (credit card, financing, loans and insurance) increased 1.69% in the period. In the case of the communication sector (telephony, Internet and TV by subscription) presented the highest high, with 9.01% more delays compared to January last year.


"The amount of overdue debts slows more intensively than the number of negated debtors. This means that the defaulting consumer has initiated the payment of arrears by a few. As defaulting consumer has in averages, two overdue debts, although he quite one, his CPF remains restricted because of the other debt, "said Kawauti.


According to the indicator, five out of ten outstanding debts (51%) of individuals in the country have as creditor some bank or financial institution. The second largest representativeness is due to trade, which concentrates 18% of the total unpaid debts, followed by the communication sector (14%). The debits with the concessionaires of basic services such as water and light represent 8% of unpaid debts in Brazil.



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