45% of Brazilians do not control their own finances, shows research on financial education of SPC Brazil and Cndl

31% of consumers are insecure to deal with money and 34% fail to take care of finances for indiscipline. Instead of gathering money and buying cash, 45% choose to parcelar. SPC Brasil launches application with tips to improve budget management

Plan household expenses, organise budget according to available revenue and do not exaggerate in impulsive purchases. The Brazilian even knows what needs to be done, but does not always put the theory into practice. A study conducted in all capitals by the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) reveals that 45% of Brazilians admit not to make effective control of their own budget, a percentage that rises to 48% among the people of classes C/D/E and 51% among men. Among those who make a precarious administration of the budget, 21% rely on their own memory to manage financial resources.

Those who make a fact control of the budget add up to 55% of the consumers, being the notebook (28%), the spreadsheet in Excel (18%) and mobile applications (9%) the most adopted practices. For the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, the discipline is a fundamental part of a healthy financial life. "Focus and effort are essential to achieving a balanced financial life. No matter the tool used to annotate expenditures, it is important that the method be organized. Some people have ease with spreadsheets or applications, others prefer the old notebook. The important thing is to annotate and mainly analyze the records, so that the consumer identifies where there are leftovers and where the budget should be adjusted ", advises the Economist.

The survey still reveals that most Brazilian consumers guarantee to be self-taught in the knowledge to manage their own money: among those who believe have a good degree of knowledge to manage their finances people, 45% learn Alone, while 34% had learned from an early age with their family. Those who learned to manage finances with their husband or wife are 14%, while 9% took a course and 6% resorted to some specialist.

In general, 51% of consumers evaluate to have a great or good degree to manage their money and 48% consider this knowledge bad or regular. In addition, three out of ten (31%) Brazilians admit insecurity to manage their own money, against 46% who consider themselves safe. Another 23% are indifferent.

Even among those who control budget, 59% feel difficulties in the task; Lack of discipline is the biggest villain of those who have no financial education

According to the survey, in every ten consumers who control their budget, six (59%) feel some difficulty in executing this task, with the main complaints being the lack of discipline in noting the expenses and income with regularity (26%), the lack of time ( 12%), the difficulty in finding a simple control mechanism (11%) and the difficulty in making calculations (5%). Those who do not feel difficulties add up to 41% of the sample.

The lack of discipline is also the main justification for those who do not control their own budget, with 34% of mentions. Another 15% do not see the need to register expenses, making the accounts only in head, while 11% justify the fact that they have an income that varies from one month to the next. There are still 10% who admit laziness and 10% who do not know how to do.

Consumer notes basic household expenses, but neglects small purchases; 57% do not plan the month in advance

Among those consumers who make adequate control of their budget, the first-need and higher-value expenditures are those that receive more careful treatment. The survey points out that 92% write down basic expenses, such as groceries, hygiene products, school tuition and house bills such as water, light, condominium and rent. The same percentage of 92% also notes the benefits incurred in the booklet, credit card and creditcards that expire in the following months. Other 85% always write down income, such as salaries, pensions and retirement.

However, the control of small daily expenditures and unplanned purchases are still left aside by the expressive part of the interviewees. The money that saves wages or invests (24% that do not control), sporadic spending with leisure and beauty (30% that do not control) and small daily expenses, such as parking, taxi expenses and with trips to bars and restaurants, for example (36% who do not Control), were in the last places of the ranking of the main notes.

At the time of dealing with the control of monthly expenditures, the profiles of Brazilians who control their budget are divided: While 43% plan the month in advance, noting the income and what they expect to spend, another 35% prefer to write down the expenses during the month, subsequently verifying how the budget was. Those who only write down the expenses after the month ends add up to 21% of the sample, a percentage that rises to 25% among the consumers of class C.

"Noting expenses at the end of the month is a great risk because there is no real control over how much you spend. When it comes time to do the math, it may be that the consumer has exceeded the budget limit by staying in red. A good strategy to prevent this from happening is to reserve a fixed amount every month for smaller purchases and to respect that limit. But for this, account planning should be done at the beginning of the month, "says José Vignoli, the financial educator of the portal ' My Happy pocket '.

69% bargain at the time of purchases, but 45% usually installments instead of adding money to buy in sight

According to the survey, 84% of consumers are in the habit of doing price research and 69% tend to haggle in search of more values in account. But one of the main difficulties of the Brazilian is to strive to acquire some good in the view: 45% admit not to have the habit of gathering money to make a purchase of higher value in sight, most often opting for installment payment. The lack of patience to wait for the amount to be achieved over time (51%) is the main reason for those who never make this effort.

77% had a financial tightening situation in 2017; Cutting in supermarkets, leisure, beauty and TV packages and Internet were some of the adjustments

The survey still reveals that in every ten Brazilians, eight (77%) went through some situation over 2017 in which the budget was not enough to close the accounts of the month. The percentage grows to 87% among consumers who are between 35 and 49 years.

For those who experienced the tightening situation, 40% changed consumption habits, buying cheaper things and doing price research. Three out of ten (29%) respondents made budget cuts, especially in supermarket items, beauty salons and outlets for bars and restaurants. Other adjustments that the moment of difficulty imposed on the Brazilian was to stop buying clothes and shoes (20%), withdraw money from a reserve they owned (16%) and reduce TV packets by subscription, Internet and mobile (15%). Assuming a more risky posture, 14% began to use the credit card more to cover expenses, another 14% borrowed money from friends and family and 12% resorted to loans in banks and financial.

SPC Brasil launches application that gives personal finance tips

With the purpose of guiding the Brazilian to improve the management of its budget, the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil), in partnership with the CVM (Securities Commission), launched an application for mobile phones and tablets: it is the "SPC consumer". The application helps the Internet user to diagnose their financial well-being. After the result, consumers periodically receive personalized tips to improve their performance with finances. The app is available for free for Android and iOs phones.


We interviewed 805 consumers over 18 years of age, of both genders and of all social classes in the 27 capitals. The margin of error is a maximum of 3.5 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%
. Download the full search at Https://www.spcbrasil.org.br/pesquisas

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