71% of Brazilians are said to be unhappy with the quality of the bus, train and subway service and 42% do not shop in stores that are difficult to access public transportation; 56% of consumers feel safer shopping in shopping than in street trade
Leaving home and not having where to park the car is a problem that bothers a good part of the Brazilian motorised consumers, to the point of making them even to give up a purchase. An unprecedented survey of the impacts of urban mobility in retail carried out in all capitals by the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) reveals that more than half of the people (52%) who have Vehicles in Brazil has ceased to buy something for failing to park the car or the bike near the trade.
The good traffic condition in the vicinity of shopping malls, as well as the presence of parking lots, are factors that favor the flow of people and can increase the revenues of stores. According to the survey, seven out of ten (69%) motorised people said they give preference to shopping malls that offer their own parking or in the vicinity (76%). In addition, 42% of respondents openly refuse to shop in stores that do not have easy access to public transportation. As many Brazilians spend more time away from home than in their homes, almost a third (28%) of respondents admit that they enjoy lunchtime during the week to stroll, see showcases and shop.
"The traffic conditions in the vicinity of the establishment, as well as the offer of efficient alternatives of means of transport are factors that favor the flow of people and increase the chances of success of the business. Not only consumers, but also companies should charge public power investments and public policies that favor the safety and flow of people, because they are measures that generate benefits to society as a whole, "says SPC Brazil President, Roque Pellizzaro Junior.
For 78%, stores should worry about accessibility of people with disabilities; Four out of ten consumers avoid shopping in places with the presence of homeless or shammies
The study also sought to understand how implementations in the mobility system in large capitals can generate gains in accessibility, convenience, security and even increase the flow of people to the door of stores. According to the survey, in ten consumers, six (57%) give preference to purchases where there is adequate access for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport passengers and 78% argue that stores and other commercial establishments are concerned with the inclusion of Consumers who have some kind of disability or reduced mobility.
"It is perceived that there is a new generation of consumers concerned with issues that involve accessibility, quality of life and good occupation of public spaces. The results serve to guide public policies and also entrepreneurs, with suggestions of adaptations to better meet the needs of customers ", says the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti.
In addition to accessibility, safety is another fundamental factor that weighs for the Brazilian at the time of purchases. For 73% of respondents, feeling protected in the establishment is basic prerogative, and 56% feel safer when shopping in shopping malls than in shops of the street trade. The presence of homeless people (40%) and shammies (37%) also negatively influence the decision not to attend a commercial center and good public lighting influences 75% of respondents walking.
Seven out of ten Brazilians are unhappy with the quality of public transportation; 80% support the closure of leisure routes
In addition to identifying the impact of urban mobility on the purchasing decisions of Brazilians, the study investigated the opinion of consumers about the quality of public transportation in the country. According to the survey, in every ten Brazilians living in the capitals, eight are dissatisfied with traffic (77%) and seven with the quality of public transportation in their city (71%). In the opinion of these interviewees, the main action to be taken to reverse the traffic problem is to invest in the quality of the transport service, cited by 64%. Next, other suggestions arise such as expanding existing routes (43%), increasing the prohibition of parking in streets and Avenues (29%), guaranteeing the safety of people (28%) and encouraging campaigns of solidarity rides (24%).
Another data revealed by the study is that 71% of Brazilians agree with measures that prioritize collective transport, such as construction of corridors and exclusive bus tracks, even if this implies sacrificing the space of streets and avenues destined for cars. There are also 80% of respondents who support the closing of routes on Sundays to provide leisure activities and circulation of pedestrians and cyclists.
The research was carried out by the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) in partnership with Ibope and listened to 1,500 consumers in all capitals. The margin of error is at most 3.0 percentage points for a confidence interval of 95%.
Download the full search at Https://www.spcbrasil.org.br/pesquisas