CDL carries out raffle awards for the Christmas campaign on Thursday

   CDL Campina Grande performs on Wednesday (04), the prize draw of the first edition of the Happy Christmas Awards. The solemnity takes place from the 15 hours, at the headquarters of the entity, located Rua Barão do Abiaí, No. 24, Centro.


     A 0km car and the contents of three prize trucks will be drawn – which includes several items to furnfy a home, such as: upholstered set, kitchen set, refrigerator, stove, double bed and others.

The campaign:

    The Happy Christmas campaign of CDL Awards took place between the days 1:30 December 2017, in more than 200 points of sale in the center, neighborhoods and malls of Campina Grande. In this period, more than 450,000 coupons were distributed.


   The campaign was a realization of CDL Campina Grande with sponsorship of the network, Mastercard, City Hall, Sebrae and Paraíba warehouse.

Live Streaming


The general public will be able to follow the prize draw through live streaming through the CDL Facebook page. Then just access the link and check out the draw:

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