The new board of CDL Campina Grande was sworn in

He took possession last Thursday (28), the new board of Directors of shopkeepers-CDL Campina Grande, which assumes the command of the entity from January 1, referring to the triennium 2018-2020. The current president, José Artur Melo de Almeida, was reled to the position for another mandate.

Artur stated that along with the newly sworn board will continue to work for the strengthening of the entity in order to strengthen the campinense trade. "I want to thank first to the directors who have agreed to be next to me in this constant process of building the history of CDL. Our commitment is to continue our work with a lot of commitment to our associates, "he stressed.

The CDL is the regional branch of the National Confederation of Shopkeepers and has about 1000 associated companies of Campina Grande and region.


President: José Artur Melo de Almeida

1st Vice-President: Carlos José da Silva Botelho

2nd Vice-President: Alessandro de Queiroz Araújo

3rd Vice-President: João Paulo José de Almeida Rocha

1st Treasurer Director: Olacy Cavalcante de Albuquerque

2 ° Director Treasurer: Pedro Fabricio de Oliveira

1st Secretary Director: Everaldo Costa de Oliveira

2nd Secretary Director: José Anchieta Bernardino Gomes Filho

SPC Board: Vamberto Farias Leal/Frederico Antônio Menezes Gomes

Administrative board: José Frederico Leite Almeida/Evandro Barbosa de Sousa

Events Management: Edvaldo Neves dos Santos/Hugo Mattos de Brito Júnior

Marketing Director: Rosália Lucas/Laercio Barbosa de Souza

Commercial Director: Tupac Rodrigues A. Dantas/José Marlei de Souza/Max Azevedo Agra

Supervisory Board:

Holders: Robson Freitas Lyra/Jorge reys Brasileiro/Pedro palm da Rocha Júnior

Alternates: Marcone Tarradt Rocha/José Edvaldo de Souza/Antônio Hamilton fechine Dantas

Advisory Board:

President: Hilton Carneiro Motta Filho

Members: José Artur Melo de Almeida/Valéria Barreto Valença/zouraide Silveira/olacy Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

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