59.9 million Brazilians are named negactivated


The volume of Brazilians with overdue accounts and registered in the debtors registers remains stable, but high. According to data from the indicator of the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) The estimate is that Brazil has approximately 59.9 million Brazilians with some account in arrears and with the CPF restricted to Hire credit or parcelled purchases.  The number represents 39.5% of the population aged between 18 and 95 years.

In November, there was an increase of 0.23% in the amount of delinquents in comparison with the same month last year. In the monthly comparison, i.e. between October and November 2017, the indicator showed an increase of 0
.15%. " Even with stability, the cipher is still quite high. For companies, the scenario implies the loss of potential consumers; For consumers, implies restricting access to credit ", says SPC Brasil President Roque Pellizzaro.

For him, the change in this situation goes through the effective improvement of economic conditions and, in particular, by reducing the unemployment rate. "In recent months, the Brazilian economy has begun a process of recovery. The activity advanced for three consecutive quarters and inflation and interest declined. Some change of rules also favored the consumer, such as the new rules of the credit card revolving. Nevertheless, recovery is still incipient and does not reach the consumer's pocket. "

Age group with the highest amount of negactivated is between 30 and 39 years

The estimation by age group reveals that it is between 30 and 39 years old that the highest frequency of negactivated is observed. In November, practically half of the population in this age group (49%) had the name inscribed on some list of debtors, totaling 16,930,000. It is also worth highlighting the fact that a significant percentage of the population aged between 40 and 49 years (47%) was negative, similarly to consumers aged between 25 and 29 (46% in delinquency situation). Among the youngest, aged 18 to 24 years, the proportion falls to 21% – in absolute numbers, 4,920,000. In the elderly population, considering the age range between 65 and 84 years, the proportion is 31%, which represents 4,920,000 people.

Southeast is the region that concentrates the largest amount of delinquents

It is in the southeast region where the largest number of customers with overdue accounts is concentrated, in absolute terms: 24,240,000 – A number that accounts for 37% of total consumers residing in the state. The second region with the highest absolute number of debtors is the northeast, which has 16,850,000 negactivated, or 42% of the population. Next, the south appears, with 8.3 million delinquents (37% of the adult population).

In proportional terms, the North is highlighted, which, with 5,420,000 debtors, has 46% of its adult population included in the negated lists, the highest percentage among the regions surveyed. The Midwest, in turn, appears with a total of 5,080,000 delinquents, or 44% of the population. Number of debts falls-3.79% in November

Another number calculated by SPC Brazil and Cndl was the volume of debts in the name of individuals. In this case, the negative variation was-3.79% in the annual comparison, and of-0.14% in the monthly comparison.

"Since the beginning of 2016, the amount of overdue debts slows more intensively than the number of negated debtors. This means that the defaulting consumer has initiated the payment of arrears by a few. Moreover, from the beginning of the crisis, the taking of new loans has declined significantly, "explains SPC Brazil's chief economist, Marcela Kawauti.

The data of debts opened by the creditor sector reveal that the only one who presented high was the communication sector, with a variation of 4.02%. In the trade was where there was the most accentuated retreat: the number of disputes with the segment fell 6.44%. Next, the banks (-2.55%) and the water and light sectors (-1.43%) come.

In terms of participation, banks follow as the largest creditors of the total overdue debts in the country, concentrating 49% of the total. Then the trade sector, with 19% of the total, and the communication sector (14%) appear. Water and light concentrate 9% of the backlog.


The consumer default indicator summarizes all the information available in the databases to which SPC Brazil (Credit protection Service) and Cndl (National Confederation of Shopkeepers) have access. The information available refers to the capitals and the interior of the 27 units of the Federation. The estimate of the number of delinquents has an approximate error of 4 p.p., at a confidence interval of 95%.


Download the full of the indicator and the historical seri
es at: https://www.spcbrasil.org.br/imprensa/indices-economicos


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