Delinquency of the Campinense Consumer records a 25% drop in the month of November


The year-end period always brings great expectations for trade. time when consumers receive payment of the thirteenth salary and take advantage of the extra money to pay some debt or go shopping in the trade.

The proof of this is that the month of November recorded a drop of 25% in the number of defaulting consumers compared to the same period of 2016. This is what reveals the monthly survey carried out by the House of shopkeepers – CDL Campina Grande and the Credit protection Service (SPC Brazil). In the last month, 1,052 campinenses consumers have had some debt in the National Register of debtors. Number well below 1,411 delinquents registered in the same period of 2016.

According to the president of CDL, Artur Almeida (pellet), this decline in delinquency was already expected, because consumers enjoy receiving the extra salary to remedy the debts. "Historically the months of November and December have been characterized as a period of financial recovery," he said.

Still according to the shopkeeper's statement, the scenario changes from the month of January, when people return to debt. "In the first quarter of the year consumers need to pay taxes such as IPTU and IPVA, in addition to purchasing school supplies and travel expenses. Then the scenario is again negative: with more debtors, "he said.

Sales growth

Retailers are excited about year-end sales. After a long period of decline, the expectation of the CDL is that the sector grows up to 5% compared to the same period last year.

Natalina campaign


To further encourage sales in the Campina Grande Trade, the CDL is promoting the campaign "Merry Christmas Awards", an action that will reward consumers with 03 prize trucks and 01 car 0km. The promotion is valid until December 30th in the participating stores and has the sponsorship of the network, warehouse Paraíba, Mastercard, City Hall of Campina Grande and Sebrae. To learn more about the campaign visit: www.natalfelizdeprê 

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