Entities receive a term of transfer from the prefecture for the implementation of the Open Sky Shopping Mall

The House of Shopkeepers (CDL) and the Commercial Association of Campina Grande (ACCG) received from the city Hall, on Tuesday morning (07), the term of transfer of the public space of the city center to be implemented an innovative project in Paraíba And that seeks the revitalization of the central region: the Shopping in the open sky.

The VILA NOVA CENTRO, as the project should be called, will influence around an area with 192,000 ², where more than 700 companies are installed, and will receive several benefits in the sectors of security, parking, cleaning, lighting, area of Coexistence, improvements in the sidewalks and facades of buildings and urban mobility.

Proposal aims to attract consumers in the night shift

With the novelty, consumers will also be able to make purchases in the night shift and go to the city center to accompany the events that must be held on site. What should please the tourists who are visiting the city.

The expectation of the CDL is that the VILA NOVA Center begins to be implemented in the coming days so that consumers perceive the changes even before Christmas. "Everything is going to depend on the tenants ' membership. We will meet next week to discuss with them the creation of the condominium and elect the liquidator who will manage the services, "explained the president of CDL, Artur Almeida, noting that there will be no closing of streets.

Partnership between public authorities and private initiative

The project envisages the participation of the public power and the private sector and will bring greater appreciation of the commercial properties of the region. The deputy mayor of Campina Grande, Enivaldo Ribeiro, who at the time was representing Mayor Romero Rodrigues, believes that the feasibility of the undertaking will have as main factor the public-private partnership. "With the support of the city hall and the direct participation of traders the project can become economically viable," he said.

Main streets of the centre will be contemed with the novelty

 The implementation and maintenance of VILA NOVA CENTRO will be in the area defined by the streets: September 7, Barão do Abiaí, Pilgrim de Carvalho, Afonso Campos, Vidal de Negreiros, May 13, Irineu Jofili, Marques do herval, João Pessoa, Maciel Pinheiro, Venâncio Neiva, Monsignor Sales, Cardoso Vieira, Semeão Leal and, alone, Avenida Manoel Tavares.

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