Meirelles highlights the role of retail in the resumption of the country's economy


The closing lecture of the III National Forum on Trade, this Wednesday (25) was handed down by the Minister of Finance, Henrique Meirelles. The event, promoted by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers and by the Chamber of shopkeepers of the Federal District (CDL/DF), in Brasilia, brought together retail entrepreneurs from all over Brazil. In closing, Meirelles made an analysis of the aspects that boosted the beginning of the resumption of the economy this year and highlighted the role of retail in this rewarming. "We have in the Brazilian economy a neuralgic point between production and consumption that is exactly the trade. There is no doubt that it is a fundamental sector for the economy, "the minister said.


According to him, retail was again a key sector in this resumption since it is in the positive in the generation of new jobs and presents a solid growth.


Meirelles recalled that Brazil is making the necessary reforms, controlling the evolution of public expenditures, the rise of debt, besides being forwarding the reforms, according to him, essential for Brazil to be able to produce more and better by increasing the The country's productivity and growth rates.


The minister added that Brazil has already grown again and the decline in inflation has allowed the Central bank to make the proper cut of the Selic rate. "With this there is an increase in the purchasing power of the population and stability in the economy. Thus the interest falls benefit the economy, consumers, entrepreneurs and the entire Brazilian population ".


The Minister of Finance mentioned that a survey of the Central bank predicts a growth of 2.5% in 2018 and reinforced the role of retail in this growth. "Retail, ultimately, is the link between production and consumption. And a retail that is growing as it is is a very important indication of sustainability, "Meirelles concluded.

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