61% of pet owners see their pets as a family member; Monthly spending is R $189, on average


Healthy eating, health care, physical wellbeing and pampering of all kinds. It was the time when the expression ' dog life ' was used as a negative sense. An unprecedented survey conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) in all capitals with internet users who own or are financial responsible for a pet reveals that 61% of Respondents consider their pets as a family member. and to care for the welfare of these companions, they spend, on average, R $189 every month, a figure that increases to r $224 among the consumers of classes A and B. For those who receive up to two minimum wages, this value can represent up to 10% of the family income.

The survey also reveals that one third (33%) of the pet owners admits that at the time of purchases always opts for items that go beyond the basics and 21% never fail to buy something for their pets for lack of money.

In total, 76% of Brazilians with internet access have a pet animation, and the most common are dogs (79%), cats (42%) and birds (17%). They complete the ranking of fish (13%), turtles (6%) and rodents (5%), such as rabbits, mice, ferrets and guinea pigs.

52% of respondents buy premium ration, 37% of pets always bathe in pet shop and 13% make aesthetic treatments often

According to the research, the most acquired products and services in the day to day care for dogs or cats are the rations (88%), followed by shampoos and conditioners (57%), snacks (52%), medications and vitamins (50%) and toys (44%). With a more demanding profile, more than half (52%) of respondents said they only feed their pets with rations of the premium line, which are more suitable for the size and race of their pets, especially the interviewees of classes A and B (62%). There are still 21% of interviewed owners who offer natural food, made exclusively for dogs and cats.

Considering the most frequently used products and services, the list is led by vaccines (63%), veterinary trips (44%) and pet Shop baths (37%). Other services performed constantly and noteworthy are the aesthetic treatments (13%), expenses with dog walker (13%), dental treatments (9%), treatments against obesity (8%), behavioral monitoring (8%), Training (7%) and trips to daycare centers (7%).

Inquiries about products and services that they would like to acquire, but do not do so due to lack of financial conditions, the research reveals that health plans (33%), spa Services (23%), monthly signatures of boxes with toys (20%) and frequent trips to the veterinarian (20%) are the most cited.

For the president of SPC Brazil, Roque Pellizzaro Junior, the humanized treatment of pets is a trend that opens countless business opportunities and evidences the strength of a billionaire market that is already reality and should differentiate even more in the coming years. "The composition of the shopping basket of the pet owners is changing. It is increasing the demand for specialized care, in addition to products that meet the specific characteristics of the animals. Fashion and aesthetics, healthy eating, lodging, home care, physical exercises and behavioral health are some of the areas that should develop intensively in the coming years, "says Pellizzaro Junior.

41% participate in events and communities in the pet universe; Animal health care is a source of attention of 79% of respondents

The exchange of experiences plays a fundamental role among the interviewees: 41% of the pet owners participate in events and communities linked to the Pets universe, either through social networks (29%) or in-person meetings (10%). In addition, 93% of respondents assume the habit of searching for information about the products and services they acquire for their pets, and the most com
mon referencesare with the trusted veterinarian (61%), specialized sites (47%), friends or family (32 %) and social networks (32%).

Small neighborhood stores specializing in animal products (53%) are among the places where consumers buy more, but 20% opt for large pet shops. The supermarkets are cited by 16% of the sample. To define the place of purchase, mainly the price (59%), quality of products and services (49%) and trust in the establishment (44%) are taken into account. In-store purchases predominate, either in cash (42%) or in the debit card (20%). The credit card is used by 34% of these consumers.

In line with the importance that the owners give to the welfare of their pets, almost all (99%) of the interviewees guarantee to take care of some form of the health of their pets, and 63% watch for hygiene, such as bathing and grooming and 58% keep the periodic exams And vaccines in a day. There are also 55% who avoid offering food not recommended for animals, such as sweets and fatty foods and 51% who seek to give a balanced diet.

According to the interviewees, the main priorities for those who have a pet as dog, cat or rodent, is to provide healthy eating (79%) to pets, in addition to health care (79%) and sleeping comforts (58%) – in the latter case, 23% of Respondents said that the pet usually sleeps in the same room as the owner. The tours (55%), physical activities (47%) and baths at home (46%) are also remembered, indicating that the disposition of the owners goes beyond merely guaranteeing food and shelter for their companions.

Only 8% associate their pets with financial expenses and 46% give preference to places that allow the presence of pets

The research shows that the owners do not see their pets as a mere source of expenses or one of the many responsibilities in the day-to-day. So much so that only 8% of respondents associate their pets with financial expenses and only 2% see them as synonymous with problems or headaches. The main feelings aroused among the interviewees are love (61%), Joy (61%) companionship (59%) and friendship (52%). There are still 21% who see their pets as the guardian of the house. For the interviewees, the negative aspects of having a pet are not having with whom to leave it when traveling (53%) and dirt at home (47%).

The affective dimension still gains other contours. Many owners would like to integrate their pets into other spheres of everyday life that go beyond their homes. Six out of ten (62%) respondents feel a lack of public spaces that allow pets to stay with their owners, such as restaurants, shops, shopping malls, etc. In addition, an expressive portion claims to give preference to places where the presence of animals is allowed (46%).

Adoption was a choice of four out of ten pet owners, but 32% bought pets

On the profile of the pet owners, the research shows a relative balance: 50% are women versus 50% of men; 54% belonged to classes C, D and E and 46% to classes A and B. Most have between 25 and 44 years (58%) and live in homes (77%). Those living in apartments add up to 23% of the sample and 82% personally care for their pet.

Little more than half of the owners have had their pets for more than five years (55%). Those who earned their pets at present are 45% of the sample, but one can also notice a similar proportion (42%) that decided to adopt an animal. In the latter case, 27% adopted when they saw the animal abandoned or lost in the street and 13% resorted to a specialized institution. Those who bought the pet add up to 32% of the sample.

Among those who bought their pets instead of opting for adoption, the main justifications are the desire to have a specific breed (61%), to know the characteristics beforehand (16%) and not to find an animal for adoption that fits the profile sought (9 %). On the other hand, 45% of those who adopted made this decision because they did not agree with the sale of animals.


In a first survey, 796 consumers were interviewed with the objective of identifying the percentage of respondents who have pets. Next, a new survey was conducted with 610 cases to identify the characteristics of people who have pets. Resulting, a margin of error in general of 3.5 p. P for the first survey and 4.0 p. p for the second survey. In both cases it worked with a confidence interval to 95%.

Download the full search in Https://www.spcbrasil.org.br/pesquisas


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