Entrepreneurs from all over Paraíba are in Campina Grande, on Thursday, August 31st, for the I State Trade Forum, event held by CDL Campina Grande and FCDL-PB, which takes place at the Quinta da Colina Maison and will discuss the business market and Current economic situation in the country.
About 600 participants are expected, among businessmen, politicians and guests, who will accompany the lectures on topics such as: Labor reform, corporate corruption, credit and consumption, economic recovery and public management Efficient.
For the discussion on corporate corruption, a panel is programmed with the auditor of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Rodrigo Márcio Medeiros Paiva, showing entrepreneurs how to protect their companies from corruption. To mediate the debate, the Attorney General of the Republic in Paraíba, Dr. Tiago Misael – who conducted, in 2015, the "Operation Scaffold" responsible for denouncing and arresting former mayors of cities of the Paraiba Hintercity, entrepreneurs, engineers, public servants and Masters of works involved in frauds.
Featured Economy
The programming of the I State Trade forum should also address issues related to the economy, with the lecture of the president of SPC Brazil, Roque Pellizzaro Jr., which with the theme: "Credit and consumption in Brazil: Trends and challenges". And the chief economist of the Credit Protection service, Marcela Kawauti talking about the recovery of the financial market.
Efficiency in public management
One of Brazil's most successful entrepreneurs, João Dória Jr., will also be present at the I State Trade Forum. Doria who is the current mayor of the largest city in the country, São Paulo, will minister lecture with the theme: "Efficiency in public management and impacts on the economy".
Labour reform
The Labour reform, recently approved by the House of Deputies, enters into force from the 18th of October, but still raises many doubts among entrepreneurs. To speak what changes with the new law, the federal deputy for Rio Grande do Norte, Rogério Marinho, Rapporteur of the reform, will minister lecture highlighting the theme.
Tickets are being sold at CDL Campina Grande and the Federation of CdLS in Paraíba, in João Pessoa. Interested parties may contact us via the telephones (83) 3182.5000 or (83) 99143.1176. All information about the lecture schedule of the I State Trade Forum is also available on the website: www.forumestadualdocomercio.com.br.
08:00 Ás 08:45-Solemn opening
08:50 to 09:30-lecture I-Credit and collection-Roque Pellizzaro-SPC Brazil
09:35 to 10:15-lecture II – Economics – Marcela kauwauty – SPC Brazil
10:20 ás 11:30-panel-Corporate integrity-Rodrigo Márcio Medeiros Paiva-CGU/Sebrae
Intermediator – Dr. Tiago Misael – Prosecutor of the Republic in Paraíba
11:40 to 12h10-lecture III – João Doria – entrepreneur and mayor of São Paulo
12:20 to 13h25-lecture IV – Labor reform – Deputy Federal Rogério Marinho