Two out of ten consumers have some kind of funding, SPC Brazil shows

 A survey conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) nationwide shows that 20% of Brazilians currently have some type of financing and that the main purpose for the Hiring this type of credit is the acquisition of a car (44%).

In comparison with last year, it stands out that the purchase of a house or apartment has decreased from 41% to 19% and the purchase of household appliances by financing has increased from 4% to 16%. According to the chief economist of SPC Brazil, Marcela Kawauti, the economic crisis that the country has been facing for three years is one of the main reasons: "with a lower income and unemployment on the high, consumers have declined in the search for long-term credit, such as the search for a house Or apartment, and banks have also begun to limit this type of funding by the high risk of delinquency, "he explains. "At the same time, the demand for credit for buying home appliances shows that even for much cheaper products financing has been an option."

Other reasons still mentioned are the purchase of motorcycles (15%), electronics (15%), furniture (14%), house renovation (13%) and college payment (10%).

About 17% have tried to make a funding in the last three months, with 8% being able and 9% failed. The main products that had the funding denied were car (27%), electronics (15%) and home/apartment (14%). The main reasons that barred the financing were the higher requested value than the income allowed (31%) and the restriction of the name (26%).

35% consider interest rates charged abusive

Among those with financing, 82% have only one currently. About 35% Consider the interest rates charged abusive. The average of those who possess is 18 plots. The vast majority (83%) have no backlog, but 15% have 1 to 10 outstanding installments. The main guarantees requested for the financing were insurance (22%) and guarantees of a Guaran/Guarador (20%).

Two out of ten Brazilians who have funding did not analyze tariffs and interest

Seven out of ten consumers (71%) claim that they have requested this type of credit, already 15% have acquired after the offer of financial institutions. Another finding of the research is that many consumers have not taken care of before taking up funding. Two out of ten (19%) respondents who had this financial service admitted not having analysed the tariffs and interest charged, especially women (28%), and 14% did not verify in the budget the real possibility of payment of benefits before deciding on the Financing.

According to the data, 30% of consumers who are paying a financing have already had the name included in credit protection institutions due to delays in benefits, and 14% are still in this situation.

"Financing is a big step for any consumer. Even if it is a dream of consumption, it is necessary to be prepared to bear this commitment, which will certainly impact the budget and financial life for a long period ", says SPC Brazil's chief economist, Marcela Kawauti. "The first step is to plan, make the accounts and consider the value of the installment, the agreed deadline and, above all, its actual payment capacity. If the financing compromises the discharge of basic expenses, or even if the person loses the job or has a decrease in income, the chances of indebtedness and financial imbalance are great, if it does not plan properly, "he explains.

64% make control of financing

Considering the institutions chosen to make the financing, 25% opted for a company in which they already had a current account, 22% made the only one that released the credit and 20% chose the lowest rates and interest. For Kawauti, not always the best option is the institution where the person is already a current. "Although this can facilitate the process, it is important to do a good search of fees and interest before choosing. There are many companies and the rates, deadlines and other conditions offered can vary considerably, "says The Economist.

The research also shows that 64% do some kind of financing control, with 30% noting the parcels in the notebook/agenda and 24% in computer spreadsheets.


The research outlines the profile of 601 consumers of all Brazilian regions, men and women, aged 18 years or older and belonging to all social classes. The margin of error is 4.0 percentage points and the confidence margin is 95%.

Access the full research and methodology at: Https://

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