Cultural Contest "Vitrine Junina 2017"



1) Organization and objective: the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande, by voting of the judging committee will elect the decoration or creation more ornamented Junina and that represents the period in which the greatest Saint John of the world happens. The goal is to revive the festivities, as well as to leverage sales in this period of the year and to promote tourism in Campina Grande. 

2) Categories:

Shopkeeper: Best decoration or junine creation in a shop window located in the city.

Decorador: Greater creativity and beauty in the decoration of the showcase.

3) The material used in the decoration will be borne by each participant with full freedom of choice, and must faithfully obey the specifications, the technical standards of ABNT, Inmetro and Crea. The decoration that does not follow the norms will be disqualified. 

4) The participant may initiate the decoration at any time, but should be attentive to the deadline for registration and the trial.


5. Registrations will take place in the period from May 30th to June 15th, 2017.

6. For the inscription the interested parties should fill the registration form that will be available on the website or at the headquarters of CDL Campina Grande, Rua Barão do Abiaí, 24, Centro. 

7. The data provided by the interested parties, at the time of registration, must be correct, clear, accurate, complete and presented in a way that allows verification of their origin, truthfulness and authenticity. 

8. Registrations must be made by shopkeepers or decorators who should be enrolled by the managers or directors of commercial companies. 

09. The registration form must be listed in the name (s) of the responsible (s) for the decoration. 

10. The work presented in disagreement with the regulation or performed outside the established deadline will be disqualified. 

11. It is up to the participants to make the necessary arrangements for the registration of this contest within the registration deadline, as well as providing all the necessary materials for the decoration.

12. Each registrant must present a maximum of 3 printed or e-mail ( photos and not edited from the decoration for evaluation of the judging committee. 


13. Judging committee: The trial will be held on June 22nd. They will be evaluated with scores from 0 (zero) to 10 (ten), for each item, and can be fracted, being chosen by the Commission to achieve the highest average of each category:

I) Creativity

II) message

III) Beauty

IV) Originality

V) regionality

14. In the event of a tie, the best score in the items originality and creativity prevails.

15. The members of the judging committee have authority and autonomy over the analysis of Christmas decorations and their decisions will be definitive, not fitting any resources.

16. Winners: There will only be a winning decoration or Junina creation for the shopkeeper and decorator category as described below:

17. Awards:

1. Shopkeeper Category: 

1st place – R $1,000.00

2. Decorator Category: 

1st place – R $1,000.00

18. Result: The winners will be known on June 25th and will have the photos published in the Shopkeeper Panel (column of CDL Campina Grande, published in Jornal Correio da Paraíba), social media, e-mail marketing and in the local press. 


19. The June decoration must remain assembled until the last day of the June celebrations in the city, July 03, for dissemination and journalistic matters to be produced on the contest.

20. Registration in this contest implies total and absolute agreement with the terms of this regulation.

21. The cost of the materials and the Assembly of the decoration and the showcases will be borne by each participant.

22. The participation of employees of the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande, as well as their family members in the first degree, is prohibited.

23. The registration and participation in this contest implies the full knowledge and acceptance of this Regulation by the participants, as well as their terms and conditions.

24. The cases omitted and not foreseen in this regulation will be resolved by the members of the Organization and coordination of the showcase Junina CDL competition.


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