Inscriptions for showcase Junina contest begin this Tuesday

   It starts this Tuesday, May 30th, the inscriptions for the traditional contest "Vitrine Junina", held for more than 15 years by the Chamber of shopkeepers of Campina Grande (CDL-CG). Registrations are free and can be made by the website ( or at the headquarters of the entity, located Rua Barão do Abiaí, No. 24, Centro. In the act of registration is required to send three photos of the decoration, not edited.

   The goal of the CDL in promoting the contest "Vitrine Junina" is to promote and foster the northeastern culture, making the city trade enter the climate of the festivities in honor of the saints of the month of June and awaken in the consumer the typical animation of the time , thus collaborating for the heating of sales during the period that is considered the second best for the Campinense retail, behind only Christmas.

The expectation is that at least 50 stores participate in the contest involving the entire center, neighborhoods and malls of the city. Registrations can be made by June 15th.

Awards: will be 2000 reais in prizes, being 1000 reais for the winning store and 1000 reais for the decorator responsible for the decoration of the showcase considered the most beautiful of the commerce of Campina Grande.

A judging committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the CDL will visit the registered stores to evaluate the work done. On June 25th, the final result of the cultural contest will be announced and the award takes place on June 28th.

Sales in the period of São João: The estimate of the entity is that the retail campinense present during the month of June, growth of 4% compared to the same period last year. The apparel, footwear, accessories and food sectors are the ones that should profit more from the season.

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