Two out of ten delinquent consumers were negated for lending the name to third parties, SPC Brazil and Cndl Show

A survey conducted by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brazil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (Cndl) with negated consumers, or who have been in this situation in the last 12 months, shows that 17% of respondents were Defaulted for borrowing the name for third parties – especially for friends (31%) and siblings (22%).

Although this practice is not considered adequate for finances, more than half of respondents (51%) stated that the main reason to lend their data, card or cheque was to help. For the financial educator of SPC Brazil and the Portal my Pocket happy, José Vignoli, the dilemma of those who lend the name to third parties is understandable, but the situation rarely ends well: "It is difficult to say no to friends or relatives, but one must remember that maybe this person is asking for help because he couldn't prove his income or because he couldn't afford a previous debt. Whatever the reason, the risk of not being able to honor the compromise always exists, "he says.

The research shows that 49% of respondents knew the value that would be spent on their behalf by third parties and another 18% had agreed a value, but the person helped used more than the one agreed initially. Already 32% were unaware of the value used. In 41% of the cases the debt was paid exclusively by the person who lent the name and in only 3% the people who used the name paid full debt left by third parties.

Considering the defaulters who lent the name and paid at least part of the debt (47%), 56% of them had to do something to clear the name, mainly save and cut some expenses (36%) and use part of the financial reserve (11%), and the Average of the debt corresponds to R $1,215. The survey still shows that 43% of the respondents who lent the name and made at least part of the payment did not charge the debtor.

Lack of money is the main justification for those who borrow and do not pay

According to the survey, the main justification of those who did not return the amount they borrowed is the lack of money (33%) – already in 19% of cases the person disappeared and there is no way to be charged. The personal relationship was shaken in at least 69% of these cases.

Despite the disorders generated by the attitude of lending the name to third parties, 24% of the interviewees who did this returned to lend the name to other people, mainly to avoid sorrows (11%).

Vignoli adds that it is important to think well before accepting the request: "One should not take such a decision without first considering the question carefully. Do you have the money to honor the debt, in case the person who asked for your name can't afford it? Otherwise, you are the one who will be defaulted, having to face the restriction on credit and all the disorders related to this situation. "


The research interviewed 602 consumers residing in all Brazilian regions, aged 18 years or older, of both sexes and of all social classes, current delinquent or ex-inadimplentes for a maximum of 12 months. The margin of error is 3.99 percentage points for a confidence of 95%.


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