CDL holds event to show importance of junior companies for entrepreneurs

The Chamber of Shopkeepers (CDL) of Campina Grande performs on Wednesday (12), in partnership with PB Júnior, the first seminar "hire an EJ". The event will take place at the headquarters of the CDL from 19 hours.

The purpose of the event is to present the details about the operation of the junior companies and how they can provide quality services at half price and with the same quality as a large consultancy.

There will also be a trade fair with the aim of connecting to the EJ network that makes up PB Junior with local entrepreneurs in order to generate development in campinense entrepreneurship through consultancies.

 Lectures and workshops will be presented with themes of entrepreneurship and business management tools, stands of junior companies with various branches of activity and space for fast consulting, where entrepreneurs can remedy doubts and receive Problems faced in their companies.

The consultancies will be made in the areas of administration, systems through the Internet, statistics, engineering and architecture.

 All the programming is completely free and does not require prior registration.

The junior companies that will participate:

1. PROSPECT-UFCG Administration

2. ODA JÚNIOR-UEPB statistics

3. Planej-Architecture and Civil engineering of UFPB

4. EJA CONSULTORIA-Administration of UFPB

5. STATUS-UFPB Statistics

6. Unisigma-Administration and systems for Internet-IFPB


 Location: CDL Campina Grande

 Date: April 12


Time: 19h

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